Chapter Seven - Dream vs Reality

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We are now moving on into Iron man 2 and Thor, I really hope this works the whole crossing over between films during the same time. I don't know, I think i must be crazy in a sense but hopefully this will be a just a moment when I doubt myself and things actually turn out fine.

I walked through lavish halls that seemed to shimmer gold and silver but mainly gold. I knew my way around, I had been having dreams of this place since I was a little girl. It was second nature to visit this place within my dreams.

"You're here." I heard him and turned around there in his silver amor and red cape longish golden hair with a broad smile.

"I told you I would be back. You know I always come back." he strode over to me and took my hands in his strong one's he kissed them gently. Okay I know this is going to sound hella weird but with everything that has being happening in my life since my father was kidnapped and then we became Iron Man and daughter. This was practically the sane part.

I mean having a literal dream man who lives somewhere actually more lavish than me. Who for the few precious hours I'm asleep completely adores me in a different way I am used to.

"My Darling Light." I blushed, It was possible while dreaming because he seemed to make me do it all the time. I was not a blusher in waking life.

"You seem weary?" He stated

"Real life has become more hectic that it was when we first started dreaming of each other. You know this as well as I." We started walking through the halls together.

"I am to be crowned soon, become king in place of my father." he smiled broadly

"Are you nervous?" I questioned

"Why would I be nervous i have been preparing all my life for this moment." I chuckled

"Well that must be a sorry life if you prepared for one moment and a slight insult to that a little." He stopped us.

"I mean no offence my darling light. I only meant that the moment I become king I can finally find you and meet you beyond my dreams. If what i have learnt is true you are out there somewhere."

"What if you don't like the real me? You are talking to my subconscious." So here is the thing for as long as I have known anytime we have tried to tell each other our names our where we come from the words get distorted hence why he calls he 'his darling light.' and I call him Thunderbolt.

"It's the inner depths of me that I probably bury." he held his hand to my cheek.

"Hence I know the real you." We continued talking about what was going on with each other and other things. Till I felt myself being drawn to wake.

"Good Morning, Miss Stark the time is...." I rubbed my eyes smiling as I sat up in bed. I jogged downstairs. I saw Pepper sitting at he kitchen Island drinking coffee and working on her laptop.

"Morning, Pepper."

"Good Morning, Reign." She looked up from her work. I made my breakfast and poured out some coffee. The sat down across from her.

"So what is on today's agenda." I smiled. I was doing more of the work for Stark Industries. Dad was doing more Iron Man stuff where I tried to find a balance between the two. Dad seemed more and more around the more I talked about doing stuff for the company.

"Okay, so..." Pepper began listing of the things that needed to be done today, this week and stuff that she had been called about for months in advance.

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