Chapter Eight

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Eight: Time passed but not the feeling. . .

Add a two years more but Ginny's life remained the same. Yes, she was indeed 26 now. Avoiding the Burrow in the fear of meeting Harry was a tough task for the young lass but she grinded her teeth and managed the soon to be inevitable task.

It was half past eight as Ginny Weasley locked the door of her flat and started her way downstairs to the entrance of her apartment block. After a five minute walk, she reached the gates where an elderly woman sat, admiring the garden.

"Pleasant morning, Mrs Hutton!" Ginny exclaimed cheerfully. The elderly lady smiled gently.

"Very good morning, Ginny dear. Off to work so early?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am. I was called in early today. Don't know why," Ginny replied as she came to stand in front of the elderly lady. Mrs Hutton nodded in response. Ginny's daily walk to the community's gate always ended by meeting Mrs Hutton, a kind old lady who lived with her granddaughter, Iris Hutton. Iris was Ginny's co-worker and of the same age as her. The two young girls always left the community together in the mornings. Mrs Hutton would see them off daily and this was how Ginny knew her.

"I think some new employee must be recruited. Maybe they need your guidance dear," Mrs Hutton said. Ginny chuckled.

"I am no master, ma'am. Maybe they have recruited and want me to show him or her around the office since they find being a guide too boring. As a matter of fact, so do I," Ginny said, humorously. Mrs Hutton grinned, showing her perfectly white teeth. Ginny grinned back. "I best be off. Good day, Mrs Hutton."

"Good day, dear."

As Ginny left for her office, she could not help but wonder why they called her in so early. Her shift was from 10 AM to 5 PM. Calling her in two hours early seemed bizarre for her. Shaking away her thoughts, Ginny walked for a good five minutes before reaching the bus stand from where she would catch a bus to Smithson and Co.


Exactly, half an hour later, Ginny found herself in the lift to her boss, Madam Lithuvika's room. As she clambered out of the already loaded lift, she looked up to see the grinning face of Iliana.

"Iliana? You are early as well?" Ginny asked, confused. Iliana nodded.

"Good morning to you too. Yes. Apparently there is some new receptionist who needs guidance." Ginny snorted. She was the receptionist for the company along with Iliana earlier when there was a vacancy for the job. After the appointment of one middle aged lady, Ginny was promoted to the status of an accountant. Iliana remained in the position but a few days before, the middle aged lady had to resign due to illness. Since then, the position was vacant, waiting to be occupied. "And who is better in being a receptionist than us? We need to guide him with the daily appointments, give him a tour and what not?" Iliana continued, snapping Ginny out of her temporary stupor.


Madam Lithuvika gave the same instructions to guide the new receptionist and allowed them to take the day off after guiding him. This made Ginny feel lighter as she wanted to curl up in her bed right that instant when she would be left for the day. Her boss also informed that the new receptionist would be waiting in the sitting room. The two young girls acknowledged their boss and left the office for the sitting room.

As Ginny approached the sitting room, she heard a hoarse voice to which she was very well accustomed. Immediately, she ducked behind a mahogany desk and pulled a very shocked Iliana down with her.

"Haha. Thank you, William Sir. I shall try my best." came the voice.

"Sure, Mr Potter."

It was confirmed. To say that Ginny was shocked was an understatement. She peeked slightly and found him talking to Madam Lithuvika's PA, Mr William. He said something which made Mr William laugh. Still the same. Making others laugh. She thought to herself as she went back into hiding. She was well aware of the fact that Iliana was looking at her with a very confused expression but it did not matter to her. Taking deep breaths, Ginny calmed her rising and falling chest and took Iliana's hand and led her, discreetly, out of the sitting room.

When they were at a good distance from the sitting room, Iliana started.

"What happened, Ginny?" she asked, looking concerned.

"I-I cannot help you in guiding our new receptionist. I feel ill. You go ahead. I shall tell Madam Lithuvika," Ginny blurted out.
"Do you want me to drop you home?" Iliana asked.

"No, I will be fine. Just a strong headache. Nothing more. Good luck teaching him, yeah?" Iliana nodded and was about to reply but Ginny left with a hurried 'bye' lest he hears her voice.

Ginny found herself asking the same question over and over in her mind as she walked home after taking a leave. Why is it that he always manages to find me?

Short Chapter. Sorry about that! I hope you liked it.

Miyoko x.

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