fixed but same intentions(sundrop and moondrop)

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Request by _Drunk_Asian_Fish_

Sundrop p.o.v

It's been a week since moondrop was taken to get fixed and remove the hack that has effected my twin.. worried I slightly pace. "Hello sunny" I hear moondrops voice from behind me turning I hug him. "I missed you moon!!" I say happily, he cackled and hugged back. "I missed you too." He replied

Few hours passed of catching up and such I looked at him. "I missed hanging out with you moon" I say he smiles and sighs, "sunny.. I may have been fixed but.. I still have the same intentions... It just... Is fun~" he said darkly, I moved back a little. He grabbed me and pulled me I to a hug, "but.. I did miss spending time with you brother." He said genuinely as I hug back slightly scared.

"Fixed but same intentions~"


Sorry it's short but I couldn't think of any other way of putting it TwT

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