alone...(DJ Music Man)

297 4 2

Request by puffpal7

DJ's p.o.v

After freddy and gregory left I started my music as it's the only sound to keep me company... I wished I had at least one friend here to hang out.. most kids are afraid of my size and they are scared I'm shaped like a spider.. because arachnidphobiea exists. I stare at my empty dance floor imagining kids, adults, and animatronics dancing and having fun but.. that's all in my head.. I stop and music laying my giant head down and sighing.. "DJ? Are you okay old friend?" I heard a familiar bear who approached me. I nod slightly looking at the dance floor still. "You wanna talk about it?" Glamrock freddy asks as I whimper and nod.. "it's lonely down here friend..  and no one really comes to dance..." I say in a slightly DJ(like how some real DJ's have an accent) voice as I look down at glamrock freddy. He sighs and puts his hand on my head, "I'm sorry you are alone... Maybe when things go back to normal I can bring the others and we can maybe have a dance party!" He said trying to cheer me up, I smiles and start to cry a little finally feeling the hope for a new dance group. "You won't be" freddy started



Sorry I didn't have much ideas other than the fact that he is kind of alone alot so this is kind of a comfort one

I how you enjoy!!!

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