Chapter 1

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"Yah! Leo! Get you're butt out here before I drag you out by your hair" N screamed.
It was a normal VIXX household, with N screaming about the place at the members, Leo being silent, Ravi sleeping, Ken singing and Hongbin and Hyuk playing around. Except this time Leo was in alot of trouble with the leader. Not only had he no chores been done around the dorm, but Leo had used up all the towels in the bathroom, leaving a nude Ravi to be locked in there, till one was found.
Signing, Leo left his room, and walked to N who was stood outside the bathroom.
"do you think this is funny?" N shouted. Leo did find this funny but there was no way N was finding out that. "Yah Ravi is going to catch a cold if you don't find him a towel to use. He's naked you know!"
"How do you know?" Leo smirked.
A blush crept upon N's face and he swallowed hard.
"It doesn't matter! Just find him a towel or I swear I'll take away your lattes!" N said, leaving the dorm and slamming the door.
Leo signed once more, looking for the needed towel. As he was looking he noticed Ken enter the kitchen. Leo had stopped looking for the towel, instead watching Ken pout while searching for some kimbap. Leo watched with a smile on his face, but averted it at once as he noticed ken look towards him. Leo had a small, small, tiny crush on Ken, something not even worth talking about. It wasn't ever going to become something is it?
"LEO!" Ken shouted, "Have you seen the triangle kimbap??"
Standing up and trying to control his blush, Leo entered the kitchen and replied
"No sorry Ken"
"Okay!" He replied skipping away to his room.
Leo watched him walk away, obviously not checking out his butt.
Leo resigned to finding the towel, realising Ravi was still in the bathroom. Finding one, he gave him the towel and left to his shared room with Hyuk. Inside, he noticed Hyuk watching a K- drama, and walked over to his bed.
"Hyung?" Hyuk asked
"Yes" Leo mumbled
"Why are you blushing? Are you ill?!" Hyuk rushed over and felt his forehead.
"No no of course not" Lep replied cooly. Inside he was freaking out. "Dammit! I'm still blushing from when I saw Ken. Calm down Leo!" he thought.
Laying on his bed, Leo listening to music for a while to clear his head.


Once Leo had relieved himself, Leo left Hyuk alone and decided to make himself a snack.
Walking out again, he saw Ravi drying his hair. Apologising for the towels, Leo walked past Ken and N's room, but hearing whispers inside. He leaned on the door slightly trying to listen in. Leo didn't even realise N was back.
"We can't mention this to anyone! Not yet anyway..." He heard N whisper.
"I'll try N hyung. But it's going to be so hard not kissing you as much as I want to!" Ken replied.
"What!?" Leo thought. "Wait does this mean?!..." Leo's thoughts were answered when he heard a kissing noise.
"Like that!" Ken whispered.
"I know, but it's worth it in the long run!" Leo didn't want to here anymore after that, and rushed to his room, thankful Hyuk had left.
Ken and N! Were they together? They had to be! Leo felt so annoyed. Why? Why not him and Ken! He didn't know either of them were gay.
Kicking the bed, Leo layed down and wept to himself. What to do?...

Hoped you guys are enjoying this one shot so far, I hope it to be maybe 2 or 3 chapters long altogether but maybe more if I can't finish it quick enough.
Thank you for whoever read this!

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