Tonia-chan:Welcome back guys!!!
Bunneh-chan:Yea welcome back!!!
Tonia-chan:Today Bunneh-chan & me thought of a dare and a truth to ask L for leeeeeeeee x and Amylee33!
Amy: Loves it!
Bunneh-chan:Ok the dare if for you two to kiss!
Lee:*Blushes realy bad*
Amy:Fine *runs over to Lee and kisses*
Lee:. . . . .
Tonia-chan:And the truth is are you two dating?
Amy:No sadly.
Bunneh-chan:Great you two survived!
Tonia-chan:Bunneh-chan we gotta go. . .
Bunneh-chan:Well guys sorry that we gotta go we're outa dares and truths for today.
Tonia-chan:Dont forget to put truths and dares in the comments!