Tonia-chan:Hi guys!!! And welcome to the studio. This is the place I ask you guys to help me give awesome dares and ask awesome truths!This is the T OR D Studio!
Bunneh-chan:You done yet!?!
Tonia-chan:And this is my bff Bunneh-chan!*Points to Bunneh-chan*
Tonia-chan:Lets get this T OR D Session started!
Tonia-chan:Today we have with us in the studio Stampy and the Magic Animal Club!!!.
All of mac:Hi!
Tonia-chan:Bunneh-chan will you read Out dare no.1?
Bunneh-chan:Ok dare no.1 is from Tonia-chan and me! We dare squid to sing Let it go! And all of the Mac to listen!
Stampy:Thats a realy Bad idea. . .
Squid:*sings let It go*
Everyone exept Stampy: O-O
Stampy:Told you so -.-!
Tonia-chan:Well thats all We got for today cya next time and remember that all of you are ☆☆☆☆ Stars!
Bunneh-chan:Bye guys!
( Note: in the comments put some T or D for the next chapter please )