Special Days Out

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Kaori ran outside with a bag, well the bag she carried also was Mashiro's as Kaori had picked it up along with her own as the short girl followed her out of the room, as the tallest contestant and person overall in the competition, well especially as Mashrio had already dropped it three times that morning. And she ran around before May grabbed her around her right hand and spun her before they walked the correct way following all of the members.

And May grabbed her hand as they walked as she knew the tall girl was tired.

"Freedom!" Ya Ning shouted as 'Snake' Team got closer to four coaches, which would take them to four different destinations.

"Freedom." Cai Bing told her team as they carried on walking.

'Snake' Team were then joined by team 'U + ME = LOVE' and then team 'Shoot!' and then team 'Utopia'

"You'll be given a special mission today." The staff told all of the girls. Lena was leaning on May's shoulder, well she tried to, but she wanted to sit down so she could sleep.

"A mission?" May asked the taller girl leaning on her.

"What mission?" Kaori asked the other J Group girl as she wanted to get on a coach.

"It's called Teamwork Mission." The staff continued to tell all of the girls.

"Teamwork?" Ya Ning asked the group in team 'Snake'.

"No matter where you end up arriving, you must perform there." The staff continued. What was the worst it could get.

"What?" Kaori heard some of the girls yell out in shock.

"Perform." Kaori also heard some of the girls yell out in shock.

"Do you see those buses?" The staff asked the girls. Well it's not like they were the only other thing there other than the staff, girls in the planet and the cameras.

"There are numbers one to four on the buses." The staff told the girls. "Depending on which number you choose, your destination will be decided."

"Choose a number and get on." Kaori heard someone say.

"Let's move." Da Yeon shouted as the girls in team 'Snake' continued on towards the bus.

Mashiro told the girls in U + ME = LOVE team "Let's go! To the bus!" to get on a coach as they made their way over. Kaori still holding Mashiro's bag as they walked to the buses.

"You plus me! You, you plus me!" All of the members shouted as they ran towards their bus.


"I'm so excited." Su Yeon told the members of the team as she jumped about in her seat as they all got very excited about where they would be heading out to on their trip.

Kaori sat between May and Young Eun as they all looked out of the the window of the bus and they all screamed and they saw a big tower, where they all thought they were going.


"We're giving you a luxurious.... A luxurious day?" Mashrio read out from the card that she held, due to her being the leader of the team.

Young Eun gasped as she read the Korean words on the paper.

"Let's go!" They all said as they walked inside. Kaori walking with Kotone into the building as they linked arms as they got excited.

"Hello." All of the girls said as they walked out of the lift and onto the eleventh floor.

They were there for a massage. Oh God what would they be finding out about their bodies now.


Kaori was on a massage bed as someone walked in and she started the 'treatment'.

She was grunting at what was happening to her body. It was just making May and Young Eun cackle as they listened to the tallest girl's groans about the massage.

"Okay?" The man asked Lena as he looked at her and she just nodded at him.

"Look at her." May told Young Eun making, Kaori look her in the eye.

"I can hear you and what do you mean look at me?" Kaori asked May, and May just pointed to her legs. As they were in a certain area they only had shorter beds and Kaori's legs, well feet and part of her calfs were just over the edge of the bed.


"How old is May's body?" Young Eun asked the massager as Kaori and Young Eun watched May go through this.

"In her thirties." The Massager told them all.

"May, you aged 14 years in two Months!" Kaori told the girl as she gasped and laughed with Young Eun.


All of the girls walked out from having their massages very happy girls. Their joints definitely felt better.

Mashiro was passed another note as all of the girls were randomly chatting about the massage.

"And now we have a luxurious dinner planned for you!" Mashrio read from the card.

And the second dinner was called out to them, Kaori and May were jumping as high as their longs legs would let them as they all squealed.

"Let's go!" They all said as they walked off to the next place for their trip in the tower.


"We're the lucky ones." May told the group.

"Imagine if some of them are getting messy and we are here." Kaori told the group as the thought about the other three groups that were getting into busses.

"Eat!" Mashrio pushed food onto Kaori's plate. She was having a Pizza but Mashiro wanted the tall girl to eat more as she had a fast metabolism.

"Hi." Mashrio told Hikaru from 'Snake' team as May and Kaori waved at them from her spot next to Mashiro.

"We had a massage." Mashrio told the Snake team and they all heard Xiao Ting shout out 'Massage'.

And then they showed the group what they were eating. Well what Mashrio was eating as she was having steak.

The team was definitely upset with their day, all of U+ME=LOVE were just very happy with the day.


As the other members were looking out of the window, Kaori was stood back with Mashrio. She knew the girl's fear of heights and she wasn't letting her be alone.

And she didn't like the idea of looking out over the edge of the building.

"What do we do with her?" May asked as she joined Mashiro and Kaori by this large circular slab, which Lena was leaning against a bit.


All of the girls were out dancing 'U+ME=LOVE' on this giant bridge.

Kaori was dancing with zero fear, to be honest she loved it, it was cold but at the same time she loved the cold, it was her favourite weather as she would rather be cold then be sweating.

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