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when i got to my house i got changed quickly and went to sleep.

then i woke up, i checked the time.


i shot up from my bed, i've never slept this late.

i got dressed and ran downstairs.

my mom wasn't even in the house, i bet she went out.

i looked at my phone.

12 messages from camilo

and 4 from my mom.

i checked my moms first.

mami: ya levántate!
(t: wake up!)

mami: donde estas?
(t:where are you?)

mami: porque no contestas?
(t:why aren't you answering?)

mami: hola?

mami: okay pues, cuando te levantas ve a comer buen día.
(t: okay well, when you wake up go eat good day.)

me: perdón mami, i over slept. that never happens to me idk what happened. but i'm up now hace a good day.

(t: sorry mom.)

i then went over to camilo.

camilo: yo

camilo: wanna hang out?

camilo: i know we always hang out but i have an idea of what we can do

camilo: oh we can practice with ur "gift"

camilo: r u ignoring me?

camilo: what's wrong? did i do something?

camilo: i'm sorry.

camilo: we can do something else if u want

camilo: am i being too clingy?

camilo: okay ur concerning me.

camilo: was it something i said???

camilo: HELLO?

damn... this man.

me: jesus sorry i'm up. i over slept i'm coming over soon.

camilo: oh my god i was so worried.

camilo: did u stay up late?

me: no i have no idea why i over slept. but anyway, i'm coming.

camilo: alright.

i teleported to camilos room.

i saw him sitting on his bed on his phone.


i said.

"oh, hi."

he put his phone down.

"so what did you want to do?"

"work on your teleportation."

"oh yeah, we still have to show abuela. well we have to see if it'll work."


"so uh.. you wanna go out?"


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