room mate part 1

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a/n hey guys sorry if this sucks, it's my first attempt at writing anything Hamilton related so any constructive criticism is welcome

John's POV

The alarm clock blared obnoxiously in my ear. Groaning I rolled over and managed to not hit snooze for once, I really needed to get my act together, it was moving day and I had a flight to catch. It was 6 am which was too early for my liking, not bothering to look in the mirror I put my hair into a ponytail to keep it out of my face. Making my way downstairs I could faintly smell bacon frying and I smiled. (a/n I have no idea what Johns parents were like so I made them nice in this story bc I don't want to write sad stuff rn) "Hey Mom!", I sat down at the kitchen table, "Hey sweetie, have you got everything? you know it's time to leave soon" after reassuring her that everything was in order I kissed Mom on the cheek, grabbing the bacon sandwich she had made before shuffling out the front door, pulling a stuffed suitcase behind me.

New York. I'm back in New York. The bustle of traffic thrummed around me like a frantic symphony and I smiled. Reaching the steps of Kings College it was like being home. I got my schedule from the receptionist and made my way to dorm 78, I'd have a new room mate this year though I'd never met him as he was new and apparently on scholarship from the Carribbean. Setting my bags down I enjoyed the moment of peace, until...

"MON AMI!!!" Lafayette screeched and flung himself on my dorm mate-to-be's bed, Hercules Mulligan laughed loudly from the door way. Laf and Herc are my best friends, although they're both clearly in love with each other so I usually have to third wheel them. I wondered where my room mate was and whether he would like Kings College.

Alex's POV 

I hated Kings College. I pulled a muscle yanking my suitcase up the stupid stairs and there are too many damn hallways in this place for any man to understand! Finally reaching my dorm I readied myself, 'please' I thought 'let my room mate  not be an idiot... or hot'. Taking a deep breath I opened the door. I was greeted by a loud cheer and a "Bonjour!" from an man sat on what I assumed was my bed, a general yell of greeting from another guy who sat on the floor and a smile from the most stunningly beautiful creature I'd ever met, who lay on the other bed in the room. We stared at each other for a few seconds, both our faces growing redder by the moment but I was transfixed. Then the other two men started laughed and wolf whistling which just made this all worse. "shut up guys... I'm John, Laurens I mean" John extended his hand and I took it "Alexander Hamilton". 

John's POV

Fuck. He's gorgeous. I have literally never been gayer before in my life. All I can do is sit and stare at my lap trying not to embarrass myself more. Lafayette and Hercules introduce themselves and I look up. Alex is smiling now and my two friends get up to leave but not before Laf winks theatrically at me, just to make sure I never fully recover from the shame. "umm hey" I say, trying to make small talk, "hi..." the silence sits there, stagnant in the space between us until Hamilton speaks, "so, I'm new and I was wondering if you could show me around a little?" I immediately jump at the chance to spend more time with Alex, "sure!"

His eyes are forest green, they have a spark to them, always challenging or questioning. Short black hair is tied behind him but a few strands have escaped, framing his features. God I'm staring again. Alexander notices but says nothing, maybe it's wishful thinking but Alex's cheekbones seem to be dusted pink at the attention. I lead him around the school, trying not to make eye contact again.

Alex's POV

No. No no no no no no NO. This cannot be my room mate! I cannot have a crush on the guy I have to live with, it's not fair. But he's so pretty! John has tan skin, dotted with millions of freckles as the night sky with stars. His eyes are green, but not like mine, they're like kaleidoscopes with every shade of the colour spinning and hypnotising me. I have to push these feelings down, not just because he won't like me back but because this school is an amazing oppertunity and I'm not throwing away my shot by pining over a guy. So John and I will be friends, if he even wants that after how weird I have been acting, and nobody needs to know how I feel. Ever. Maybe the crush would go away?

John's POV 

OK. Breathe. BREATHE JOHN IT'S NOT THAT HARD. OK, that's better, now think! How am I going to hide this from Alexander? Sure I'm a pretty popular guy and if it was anyone else I would shoot my shot but with him, it's different, he's different. After all, it was his first day, he was hardly settled in and the last thing Alex would want was me jumping all over him asking him to be my boyfriend. I would wait then, but he was probably straight anyway, this was all helpless. Friends, John, you're going to be friends with him. Easy.

"So, Alex, what are you studying?" (a/n I have no idea how the US education system works, this is probably wrong) "uh I'm majoring in law and politics, and minoring in literature, history and philosophy" there was a stunned silence. "That's a lot" was all I could say. Alex laughed, "well then what are you taking?" "my major is marine biology, I'm minoring in law and politics" after this we decided to head back to the dorm, I challenged him to find the dorms using the map and his eyebrows furrowed, his adorable face screwed up in concentration. Yep. Still just friends.

a/n so IDK what I think about this chapter, it's kinda cute but who knows. This is going to have one or maybe two parts so yeah, see u guys later!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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