Chapter 10: Darkiplier.

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"Hello there, darling~" Darkiplier says as he grabs your chin and tilts your head. "Uhm, what are you doing." I asked "just checking for any injuries." After Dark was done checking, he said "Seems like there's no injuries, where you headed off to?" "I'm not sure. I know I can't go home because you know, demon realm." I replied. "Where were you staying? No human would still be alive for this long." "At yanderepliers home- wait- how did you know I was here for long???" I asked, "so you're Y/n? He's told me so much about you.." He said, his voiced glitched and got in a deeper tone. "I think it's time for you to head back. Here, I'll take you there." He said while holding out his hand, "No, I don't want to go back." I said. "Well I won't question that, it might be personal. Well, would you like to stay with me or go home? I can take you home if you'd like." He said. "I want to go home." I said "Will do. Take my hand, It'll be the faster way." He said while putting his hand out again, I took his hand and felt dizzy.
Once I actually got home. I couldn't believe it. Am I finally back home?? "Y/n????" Mother said with a concern tone yet crying in happiness. I ran and hugged her in relief knowing I'm back home. "Where have you been?? I been worried sick! You know what, forget about it! We're gonna go shopping and make your favorite meals for dinner!" She said. I smiled, I dragged her to the car. I couldn't wait to spend the day to catch up with mom. She's the only person I have left, well besides dad.

Yandereplier POV:
"Where did they go?" I wondered as I searched all around the house. Darkiplier teleported in. "You know doors exist, right?" I asked him in sarcasm. "Whatever, I sent Y/n home" he said. He got straight to the point in that sentence, my heart dropped when I heard that. I was furious yet, worried for Y/n. Why did she get sent home? Was I not treating her right? Or was dark just being a complete idiot and not letting a human in the demon realm. "She wanted to be sent home. I didn't ask why, I just left her alone about it." He said, knowing he read my mind. I really did miss Y/n, a lot actually.. It didn't feel right not having them here..
I'm coming to get you back, my love..

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