Part 9

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I put on my helmet, look at Peter and he starts chuckling.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask annoyed. He should know not to test me again.

"Your just really cute with that helmet on," he says with a smile. Which I think is complete bullshit. I mean I do look cute of course but he's just trying to win the bet.

"Yeah that does work on me," I reply because obviously, it doesn't.

"What do you mean? I saw cute so I said cute," he says which again is complete...


"Listen can't you just take a compliment for once," 

"Not when the person giving the compliment only gives it because they want to win a bet," I say.

"I'm actually just giving you a compliment but think what you want I guess," he says.

"Whatever," I saw giving up but knowing that none of this is real.

"Okay well let's just get on to you learning how to skateboard," he says which makes me frown. There's no way that this is going to end well it's not like we are in some movie or something where everything's supposed to be perfect. 

Peter starts explaining how to do it and stuff and says something about me skating goofy or some shit which is really offending and mean. I mean goofy is literally a cow in mickey mouse (and yes he is a cow I don't care if other people call him a dog or something). Anyway, I make a comment and eventually get the handle of it and we somehow make it to the ice cream shop which is a miracle. 

"Holy shit! I'm literally so swaggy I made it all the way here," I say when we arrive. Which I mean is true I'm really swag. 

"Yeah I guess you made it but I don't know about swaggy just yet," he replies which obviously I am swaggy and he is just completely wrong as per usual. 

"Well maybe you should know because I am swaggy," I say which he better agree with me because I'm always right.

"Maybe, we'll have to see later," he says.

"Yeah sure," I reply.

I take my helmet off and realize I probably have some serious helmet hair so I grab out my phone and look at my hair and start to fix it when Peter starts laughing.

He begins to say something but I cut him off.

"Don't even think about it," I say.

"Fine, fine," he replies.

Once I finish with my hair he opens the door and says "m'lady."

"Uh thank you kind sir I guess," I say and he starts laughing "what? I don't know what to say. I'm not in some cheesy love story or anything." I swear if he says not yet I'm going to hurt him.

"Not yet at least," he says. Y'know what maybe I should just leave it for now. I've already picked enough fights with him.

We head inside and go to those glass ice cream things where you can see inside for all the flavors. Literally, all the flavors look good but I decided to go for my usual oreo flavor with sprinkles because why not? Peter gets really lame vanilla which is stupid but whatever. I mean don't get me wrong vanilla is great but there are all these other flavors here. 

We sit down and talk for a while and actually don't fight anymore. I may have been having a little bit of fun but that still doesn't mean he's gonna win this stupid bet.

"So clearly we both finished our ice cream so do you want to go to the mall now?" he asks.

"Uh yeah sure. Sounds good to me," I say and we start heading out.

"So we can just walk since it's close enough," he says.

"Oh thank the lord almighty. I'm sorry but I have no intention about getting on that death trap with 4 wheels again," I say which is extremely true. I don't care if it takes days to get back but I'm not riding that skateboard again. 

"Well maybe if you gave it more of a chan-" he starts to say.

"No, No, No, aaanndd no," I cut him off before he can even think about finishing that sentence.

"Okay, okay. Got it, no more skateboard dates," he says laughing.

"This is NOT a date I repeat NOT," I say.

"Well I know you wish it is," he says. I really thought that we could get along but he's so annoying oh my god. At least he's hot though, that's the only thing he has going for him. Well, I guess he's funny too. Oh my lordy lord I need to turn my brain back on because clearly, it wasn't working for a second.

"Uh, you okay? You've been standing there staring for a second. Wait oh my god did you just have a vision or something? Wait! Can you see my future like in Ravens house or whatever it's called? Do I win the bet? Do I get to go home?" he says which annoys the shit out of me.

"That was a lot at once but now I don't have any superpowers or any shit like that," I say.

"Did you just call superpowers shit?" he asks.

"Yup," I say "now we need to get to the mall before it closes," I say.

"Oh shit yeah we do. I don't think the other surprise closes until 11:00 so we should be good," he says which gets me thinking. What place closes at 11:00 that is a place that I go to frequently and Peter would tell him? Ohhhh obviously.

"You're taking me to the record store aren't you?" I ask and he looks surprised.

"I- uh how did you figure it out?" he replies.

"I don't go to many places very often that would stick out to Peter," I say and he looks disappointed.  "Maybe I can pretend like I don't know though. I am an exceptional actor," I say.

"Oh yeah? What movies have you been in?" he asks.

"None but I am in a Wattpad story," I say and he looks confused.

A/N: Hahaha thought I would bring you guys back to reality for a second. Okay, I'll let you continue simping now I guess. Have fun!

"Uhhh okay I don't know what that is but I'll go with it I guess," he replies.

"Okay are we almost there?" I ask hoping we are because I really want to make him put a lot of stupid outfits on and just sit back and relax. 

"Uh yeah, here we are,"


A/N: I'm tired so Imma stop this here and write more tomorrow for all you simpers.

Oh and thank you for all the love and support you guys are extremely nice and I love all of you. Like seriously some of you guys make me cry (good tears) because of how you guys say you are obsessed and stuff and it makes me so happy. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Oh I also forgot to mention I was thinking of two names for this story either "The bet" or "1 month of love" or something along the lines of that. Let me know what you guys think and other suggestions would be really nice too because I came up with these like really short notice.

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