Part 11

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Roses pov

I wake up the next morning at around 8 and do my morning routine. I decide that I'm not hungry at the moment so I'm just going to go and work on my writing and stuff. 

I decide that today we need to do some editing and just review what I've written. While looking back at it I can tell the bits that I stayed up late to write that are just too cringy and things I definitely need to rewrite. After about over an hour I go down to eat breakfast proud of the productive morning I've just had and think about how good of a day today's gonna be until he walks down carrying a skateboard.

"Are you ready for your first lesson?" he asks. And I 100% am not ready at all whatsoever thank you very much.

"No I'm actually feeling a little bit sick today so I think I'll just stay home and get some rest," I lie which I am proud of myself for how easily and quickly I came up with that.

"Fine we can just watch musicals all day and you listen to my singing," he replies. What a rat.

"Actually I was thinking that I could go back to sleep," I lie again.

"Rose we both know that once your awake you can't go back to sleep. It's a known fact," Peter from my universe says. They are both rats.

"I didn't need you to help me out there and tell him that," I say annoyed.

"Well you do know that honesty is the best policy and you were not following the policy," he says.

"Whatever," I say grabbing a muffin and walking away.

"Be ready by noon," skateboard Peter yells I swear both of them together will be the death of me. 

I get to my room and decide to watch TikTok because why not. Of course, as soon as I open it I have to see an edit of Spiderman. Which first of all I don't know how I got on this side of TikTok and second of all they shouldn't make edits of him considering they don't know he's not even that hot under the mask.

I keep scrolling and luckily there are no more edits.

After I while I get kind of bored and decide to turn on the news. Nothing interesting seems to be going on until there is a story claiming that there is another Spiderman. I immediately jump up and go to Peter to tell him how stupid he is for wearing his suit in this universe.

"What the fuck were you thinking," I yell. By this time Steve, Peter, other Peter, and Wanda are watching tv in the living room looking a little confused.

"First of all cap doesn't like that language and second of all what are you talking about," Peter says.

"One time!" Cap yells.

I look at the Andrew Peter and he looks confused so I turn on the news to show him what he did.

"Care to explain?" I say questioning him. I swear if he makes something stupid up like "that's not me" I'm going to literally kill him.

"That's not me," he says and oh my god I always call it.

"Well it sure as hell isn't the real Peter," I yell pointing and the Peter from my universe.

"First of all ouch and second of all that's not even my suit," Andrew Peter says.

"Okay then prove it," I say knowing that his lie can't go on anymore.

"Okay well come look I'll show all of you," he says.

We all go to his room and he shows us his suit and there are some major differences to the one on tv.

"See it's clearly different. Plus that suit makes whoever's in there head look big," he says which, to be honest, I can't deny.

"Okay well, then who is that?" I ask have no idea what's going on. 

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