Pros and Cons of My Easter

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⊙ I get CANDY! I just LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!! (Despite me being 14, I still look for the eggs. Gladly no on stops me, even though they made a new rule that I have to let the my young cousins have a head start)

⊙ It's fun to crack some of those eggs fill with confetti on my family, especially my aunt. Revenge is sweet.... ^.^

⊙ We had a small a version of the hunger game with the confetti filled eggs; I, my siblings and Andrew were in an alliance

⊙ My aunt wanted to apply makeup on me.(for people who don't know, I don't do well makeup. It goes forever to finish putting makeup on me, since I can't help but blink every time she ties applying eye liner.)

⊙I do Easter at my grandparents house. So when I come home, my mom and sister always brag about who got a better Easter (sometimes makes me wonder how my mom can be call 'mature') It gets annoying when they bother my reading time -_-

⊙ Tummy ache after eating too much candy.... I try to control myself, but... Lets just say I have no control over it.

So this is three pros and cons of Easter. You know one of the cons about my aunt applying makeup? Well, I can't take off the eye liner. -.-
Tomorrow is school and I, the girl that doesn't wear makeup for no good reason, will have eye liner.....
After publishing this chapter, I'm gonna try to wash my face again.

For everyone who's reading this, how do take of eye liner without having soap in your eyes?

That's all, bye bye!!!

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