Chapter 19.5 An Unexpected Guest - Sam/Ponk

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Sam stood before the door of the house with his fist raised.  He moved to knock and then stopped, again staring at the door.

"Ok, so when you knock on a door, you actually need to hit it." Technoblade said.

Sam tried again.  His fist froze before it could make contact with the wood.  He let out a pained sigh, lowered his arm, and turned to the pigman.  "I really don't want to do this."

"I mean, we can go somewhere else if you know another person who has naphtha."

"Not enough." Sam turned to the door and made to knock and, again, hesitated. "He's not going to want to see me."

"Bro, you were the one who suggested him!"

"I know."

"You literally volunteered for this.  You said you were sure you could get it from him."

"I know!"

"Look.  I can do it if you want."

"No.  No, it should be me." The last thing Sam wanted was for him to see he hadn't even been able to knock on the door.  To be seen hiding behind Technoblade like he was ashamed of what he had done.  Well, what The Warden had done.

"Then do it!"

 "Fine!" He knocked on the door and held his breath hoping he wasn't home.  If he wasn't then... then they could just steal the lighter fluid and he'd pay him back later or something.  Sam knew where he kept it. He heard movement and the sound of footsteps coming to the door.  Sam held his breath.

"Who is it?" a voice from within called.

The lock clicked and the door opened.  An involuntary gasp escaped Sam's lips at the sight of him. He suddenly realized exactly how much he'd missed that face, even though it was covered by a mask.

"Sam?" Ponk said.  "Why are you here?"

"Ponk," Sam breathed. 

"Yo, I hate to ruin this moment, but we need a favor." Techno interjected, shoving in past Sam.


"Um... Lemonade?" Ponk offered to the two men sitting in his parlor.

Sam saw Ponk was using his mechanical arm to hold the pitcher and his heart sank.  He remembered the blood.  There was so much blood.  He rubbed his black eyes, willing himself to forget. "No.  We don't have time."

"Why are you here?"

"I know you have stores of naphtha, doctor."

"For naphthalene, yes... warden."  Ponk turned to the kitchen.  But Sam didn't need to see his face to know the expression from the disgust in his voice as he said the word.

Sam cringed.  "Don't call me warden."

Ponk glanced at him from over his shoulder. "Why?  Is he gone?"

"I don't... maybe.  For now."


"I don't know."

Ponk turned back, putting the pitcher and glasses on the counter.  Then he faced his former partner, eyes accusing. "Do you even want him gone, Sam?"

Sam looked down.  "I don't know."


Sam could feel the pain in Ponk's words.  His heart ached.  He wanted to comfort him.  To hold him.  He remembered the feel of Ponk's arms around him.  His mind snapped to the feel of the ropes binding him to the bed as he strained against them, the heat pulling the life out of him.  His breath caught.  He wasn't there.  He was in Ponk's house.  With Ponk.

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