This was gonna be a long day.

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"Ahh. Mr Malfoy, nice of you to join us. Please sit."

Draco nodded his greetings to his teacher before sitting in his seating plan next to Vincent Crabbe.

McGonagall didn't dwell too heavily on Draco's late arrival, instead she continued to explain the plot on a book the class was currently studying. If Draco's memory wasn't hazy, he believed the book was called 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell

It didn't matter too much because soon, the bell rang for the next class to begin.

Draco exited the class last, not wanting to get caught in the rush of other students. He checked his timetable.

Science with Mr Snape.

Draco huffed in annoyance. He didn't want to deal with Mr Snape or his bad attitude.

He took the lift up to the 4th floor and made his way to the science room. He was the last student to enter but Snape seemed to be busy with something. He ignored Draco's tardiness.

Snape introduced a rather unhealthy amout of chemicals. The smell combined didn't sit well with Draco's stomach. He started to feel funny.

He raised a hand.

Mr Snape looked over with a raised eyebrow. He narrowed his eyes but waved a hand, excusing Draco dismissively.

Draco grabbed his bag and left the room. He easily caught the complaints of his classmates.

"How come he gets to leave? I asked if I could go to the bathroom ages ago and you said no!"

"That's not fair!"

"The favouritism is unreal."

"Shut up, bitch. You don't know the full story."

"Piss off, Pansy. There is no story."

"SILENCE." Draco could hear the teacher scream even with the door sealed shut.

Draco took a large intake of the fresh air. The queazy feeling in his stomach settled.  He dropped his head onto the classroom door.

This was gonna be a long day.

It just seems like these chapters are getting shorter and shorter:(

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