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Draco was eating breakfast with his mother and Father. It was 6:25 in the morning and they were having sausages with bacon. Draco although had a different combination of food. Sausages and Yogurt. His parents watched in horror and concern as he dipped the cocktail sausages into the vanilla yogurt.

'All right, I'm off to school now. I'll see you later'

'Bye' His parents said before Draco closed the door.

Usually Blaise would walk Draco to school, but he wanted to be at school before Blaise arrived so he started to head to his school building.

He got to school at 6:40. 20 minutes early. He decided to sit at the stairs to school waiting for the dreaded bell ushering him to class. He let his mind wander to his child.

He was still upset and confused on why he was pregnant. He had tried so hard not to go to the doctors cause they would definitely tell Draco's parents and they would, without a doubt, disown him.

He pushed his worries aside and started to think about the baby's appearance. Blaise and Draco were not ugly people. In fact, they were one of the good looking ones in the school. The baby was sure to be beautiful.

Draco thought of an olive skinned child with silver eyes. Soft black hair and a lightly freckled face. Neither of them had freckles, but Draco had always liked freckles.

Draco softly smiled to himself.

'Hey, you weren't home, what's up?'
Draco opened his eyes and looked up.


He got up immediately trying to walk away, but Blaise grabbed his arm in time. 'Wait! I wanna talk about the call!' That stopped Draco. He turned to Blaise.

Blaise sighed. 'I still can't believe you're pregnant, but you sounded so serious! We need to go to the doctors. Maybe it's a misunderstanding-'

'No! My parents will kill me if they found out we slept together!' Draco cried desperately clinging onto Blaise, but Blaise still kept to his word.

'Let's go!' Blaise was practically dragged Draco away from the school building. Draco was screaming and crying begging Blaise to not take him away.

Eventually, they made it to Blaise's car.

The drive to the hospital was loud. Draco said stuff like 'I hate you!' and 'You've doomed me!' Blaise thankfully didn't take any of it to heart.

When they parked in the car park next to the hospital. Draco was quiet. He willingly walked to the building along side Blaise.

When they made it to the counter, a nice brunette smiled, but soon scowled. 'Aren't you kids suppose to be in school?' she suspected eyeing the two males

'Yes, but this is important'

'Do you have a slip from teachers or parents?'

'No, but-'

'Then i'm going to have to ask you to leave'

'But we-'

'What's your school's and your names?'

'Hogwarts high school, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy, But we really need to-'

'Stay here and i'll send someone to take you back to school-'


They both stopped.

' are you in for?' She spoke slightly suprised

'My friend may be pregnant'

'... is this a prank? Men don't get pregnant. Don't waste my time!'

'Wait, please! We need a check up, we used a pregnancy test, it came out positive. Can we do a quick check up?'

The brunette sat there staring. Seeing the desperation in Blaise's eyes, she said 'Room 23 is free for check up, walk in and a doctor should be right with you'

I have to work on 2 books at a time so if updates are slow
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