Chapter 1

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It was a normal morning in New York City. Streets busy with taxis and various other cars. Subways packed with people making their way to school or work. This day was just like any other for every citizen of the city, including Regina Mills. 

     She had woken up to her very obnoxious alarm clock at the wee hour of 5:30am. She went through her daily routine- shower, hair and makeup, clothes, then finally breakfast.

Today she had on a simple black pencil skirt, a burgundy blouse, and black patent leather pumps. She wore the heels despite the fact that she knew she'd regret it very much later on. As a doctor, and a pediatrician at that, she was always standing, never really getting a chance to sit down except during her 30 minute lunch break. 

     For breakfast, she made a small bowl of oatmeal and a very large cup of coffee. If there's one thing Regina Mills loves more than anything, it's her coffee. With the job she has, coffee is a necessity throughout the day. There are many days she'll have 5, or maybe even 6 cups a day without realizing it. Coffee is almost equivalent to oxygen in her world. Without it, she just might die.

     When she finished making her coffee, she grabbed her phone and noticed the time was 7:05am. "Shit!" She is supposed to leave at 6:50am. She has to be at work at 7:15am, and she lives 20 minutes away.

She runs to the foyer, grabs her purse and her keys, and barges out the door. She quickly makes her way to the elevator of her condominium and presses the button impatiently. When the doors finally open, she rushes inside and waits eagerly for them to reopen. As soon as the elevator arrived at the main floor and the doors opened again, Regina runs out and makes her way to the parking lot. She ferociously opens the car door of her Audi R8 and plops down onto the seat. She speeds out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Only a few minutes into her fast paced drive, flashing lights appear in her rear view mirror. "Damn it! Not now!" she says angrily. This is not the first time she's been pulled over; it happens several times a month. She slows down and pulls the car over to the side of the road. She rolls down her window and grabs her wallet and slides her license out of the pocket. She then leans over to the glove compartment to get her registration out. 

     The cop approaches the window. "Good morning, ma’am. Do you know what you have been pulled over for?"

     "Most definitely for speeding," Regina says sassily. 

     "That's correct. Do you have an idea of how fast you were going?" The cop asks.

     "I have no clue."

     "Well you were going 65 in a 45, which is dangerously fast, especially in this part of town," the cop informs and Regina just nods. "Now can I see your license and registration please?"

     "Yes, yes I know the drill." She lifts her hand out of the window and hands the cops the requested items. As she does, she actually notices the cop for the first time. She's blonde haired and blue eyed, and wears the name tag labeled, ‘Emma Swan.’ This isn't the first time Regina has been pulled over by this specific cop. 

     Swan takes everything from Regina. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go verify your information and write your citation."

     "Wonderful. Thank you, Officer Swan," she says sarcastically. After about 5 minutes the cop arrives back at the car. 

     "Here you go ma'am," she says as she hands Regina her license and registration. "Now I wrote your citation for $159 dollars. You must bring the payment to the court house within 3 weeks from this date. If you would like, you have a month to take a driving course to clear your record of this occurrence, otherwise this will be marked on your driving record permanently. Do you understand?"

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