Chapter 7

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I felt this before...
When my ex broke up with me.
I saw them at the couch taking laughing to each other happily.
His smile at her seem to be killing me slowly.i feel my heart will break in to a thousand pieces .seeing them that close and happy for each other make me feel
Why does it hurt me to much....
My eyes started to water but i wipe it before someone see's it.
I ran towards the bathroom and wash my face, so that they don't notice my eyes
- — -
We were eating quietly.I didn't talk until I finished my food.everyone keep on glaring at me because they are not used to me being so quiet.
After all of us finish eating i also finished washing dishes.I went to the living room and saw them all busy watching tv.i want to go home so I said goodbye to them.
"you're going home?"Riki said,i nod at him look down"I will take you home"
"N-no im okay"i said and left the place
- — -
I got home at 10 pm,when i enter the house the lights are close.
Maybe they are a sleep...
I went straight up and lay at my bed.
I like Riki so much....
Should i say yes to him....
What if he falls from other girls...
I realize that he is so important to me. I hope he doesn't get tired of liking me....

I let my eyes close and sleep.
- — -
"Wake up!"
"Im still slEePyyy"
"You are latee"bella said
I jumped out of my bed and look at the clock.

Shit its 9:40 we have a photoshot at dead.
I took a bath quickly and wear my clothes.i went down and see bella waiting from the car,i want to eat breakfast but im frecking late...
- — -
"Why are you late!?"direc.lee said "Didn't I say 8 o'clock you should be here already"
"Im Sorry"i said while sobbing,i was so shy to everyone and feel so embarrassed,can't help my self but to cry.
"Don't say sorry to me,say sorry to the staff"direc lee said
I face the staff and do what deric lee said
They all left me and now im alone crying,i ran and went to the rest room and cry this is the first time happened to me.
I heard someone knocked on the cubicle door that i was using .
I wipe my tears with my hands and open the door.
I was shocked when i saw Riki in front of me.i was shock but it fade immediately , I ran towards him and hug him .
He Hug me back and carass my back.
"Don't cry,im here now"-riki said
He broke the hug and kissed my forehead, he looked at my lips for a second and look back to my eyes
Hi smile at me And lean close to me and reach for my lips.
And he kissed heart beats so fast.his kiss gives me shiver in my body.
I kissed him back. He smiled at me as if its a miracle.we kiss until we ran out of breath,i broke the kiss and smile at him.
"Now can you be my girlfriend?"Riki said "yes or no".
"There are only two choices Yes or No"he said while pinching my cheeks
his eyes suddenly lit up when he heard me say that.
To be continued.....
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