Bedside Hourglass

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It all started with sleepwalking. Okamoto would be found downstairs, his long tail usually dragging something over. At the start, his mother or sister brought him back to bed, and he would remain there. But eventually it got worse. They had all thought it was normal sleepwalking, but they were wrong. Something was talking to him, dragging him downstairs.

One night Okamoto woke normally. A normal day, it seemed like. Then he see it. Beside his nest was a little, slightly dusty, hourglass. The glass was shone like a crystal, even with dust, and the rim was gold. He picked it up with gentle claws, the fur around his neck rising in curiosity. "Now where did this come from?" He murmured. Okamoto ran his claws over his antlers; he always did this when worried or confused. Suddenly, claws clacked against rock and his sister appeared in the cavern. She looked just like Okamoto, but with longer antlers and light golden fur. She seemed to give off a "give me your kneecaps" vibe. Her name was Dorcha. Okamoto swiftly grabbed the hourglass with his tail, and eyed Dorcha. "Woah, chill, I don't want your glass 'o' sand. Trust me, too crunchy." She moved to walk to the shelves, and then stopped again. "Where'd you get glass of sand?" Okamoto blinked at her, taking a second to answer. "Woke up with it. Sleepwalkin'." Dorcha shrugged and left. Probably came for animal bones again. He slipped the hourglass into his satchel beside his bed, and went through the winding tunnels of the cavern.


Okamoto sat around a round wooden table, bowls of a stew of sorts upon it. His mother dragon sat opposite him, and Dorcha sat to his right. The main cavern was a circle-ish shape. Some indents in the wall made shelves for books and candles and stuff like that. A wooden slab against the wall on another side made a kitchen area. Two tunnels led off in different directions, one to the rooms, and one to the entrance and exit. Okamoto ate quickly, wolfing down the stew. He had almost finished when a pain started in his head. It was a throbbing ache sort of pain. He stopped eating suddenly, and scuttled off to his nest.

Okamoto sat in his nest, trying to figure out the cause. He ate that meat stew loads, his mothers recipe, it couldn't be that. He sat there, thinking, for a while, when his eyes flicked too the hourglass. It seemed to.. talk to him. Whispering, muffled voices filled his head, and he became overwhelmed with them. He made his way to the hourglass, grabbed the top, and opened it. The whispers became shouting, and filled his head. "No! Stop!" Okamoto cried. Then they stopped. Sleeping, almost. He glanced toward the hourglass, frozen in place. ''It's ali-live?'' He couldn't comprohend what had happened. Ok so. Started with whispers. Then he opened the hourglass, and it spoke to him, yelling. Huh. Probably not normal.
Okamoto head off too Dorcha's room, and stole a notebook from underneath her nest. The two sibling's nest-rooms were pretty much identical. They were both a tube shape, with indents in the wall for shelving (planks of wood too). Nests lay at the end of the caves, with glowing vines hanging in front of it to give privacy. Only difference was decorations. Okamoto had more books, Dorcha had more bones.

Back in his room, Okamoto took a quill and wrote about his experiences.

''Today, i woke up with an hourglass. It was golden. I went about my normal day, when a pain started within my head. The hourglass spoke to me..'' It went on to talk about the opening of the hourglass, and all that happened.
He didn't know what was gonna happen, but it would be interesting.

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