Chapter 4: Consequences

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As they entered hyperspace, the siblings breathed a sigh of relief.

Han did as well, but then turned around as if that was nothing.

"See? Not a problem at all." he mildly boasted with a relaxed posture.

"Ok." Jaral conceded with a friendly smile. "I guess you might be a good challenge even for our pilot."

Han assumed a slightly more serious posture on the seat. "So you two...are the siblings I've heard about? The leaders of the Rebellion?" he asked.

They had already understood that the man had realized it, so they weren't surprised

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They had already understood that the man had realized it, so they weren't surprised. "I didn't expect you to know about the Rebellion." Ezra still said.

"I've actually worked for some of your cells, smuggling small ships or supplies. But I understand you two might've been too busy to notice."

"So, can we assume that you know that we will keep our promises about your payment and you won't sell us to the Empire?" Jaral asked.

"Relax, oh Great Leader, in my experience, you guys pay way better than the Empire."

"Marvelous." the Grand Marshall concluded. "We'll leave you do your job, then. Come on, Ezra, let's go check on the others."

"Copy that." Ezra quipped as they both stood up from the passenger seats and left the cockpit.

They walked back toward the lounge of the freighter. The dejarik table and the sofa did remind them a bit of the Ghost, but the rest was nothing like it.

The corridors had various rectangular soft tiles which gave it a white color, while the rooms were of simple durasteel and full of various consoles. The lounge, as well, didn't have many other things for relaxing, aside the dejarik spot.

Still, they concluded that they could accept it for the trip.

"All right, we are safe, for now." Jaral declared. "We should reach Alderaan in 20 hours."

Ezra turned toward the astromech, who was standing next to the sofa and just now he was releasing his magnetic locks.

"R2, are the plans still in there?"

The droid beeped affirmatively.

The droid beeped affirmatively

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