Chapter 5: Inside the Beast

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Han and Chewbacca were the first to enter the cockpit, reaching their posts.

"Chewie, reinforce the forward deflectors." Han instructed his co-pilot as he disengaged the hyperdrive.

The rest of the group followed into the cabin, with Jaral and Ezra getting right behind the pilots and Obi-Wan and Luke just beyond the door.

And as the Falcon left hyperspace, it came right in the middle of a phenomenon that rocked the ship.

Chewie said something in his language made of roars and grunts.

"Ah, we've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower, some kind of asteroid collision." Han reported as small asteroids and other pretty dangerous bodies flew around them.

Ezra and Jaral, though, looked at them and a horrible doubt started to insinuate in their minds.

"It's not on any of the charts." Han said, confused.

"What's going on?" Luke asked.

"Our position's correct, except no Alderaan." the smuggler replied.

And considering what the siblings had just said back in the living room of the ship, right before they were knighted, the answer seemed as clear as day.

But a beep on the console didn't give them time to react.

"There's another ship." Han said.

A moment later, it turned out to be a TIE Fighter, which passed past them.

 A moment later, it turned out to be a TIE Fighter, which passed past them

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Suddenly, the siblings felt a tingle in the Force and Ezra urged Han. "We need to get out. Get us out of here."

"Calm down, kid, we need to..."

He was interrupted as the ship suddenly braked and started to fly in another direction from where she was pointing at.

"A tractor beam." Jaral stated grimly, and looked upward, quickly imitated by the others.

Thus, they easily spotted the moon made of metal. They had come out of hyperspace right next to the Death Star.

"Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power." Han ordered and Chewbacca compelled, but even if the engines were roaring loudly, nothing changed.

"Why are we still moving toward it?" Luke asked in a bit of panic.

"That's what a tractor beam does!" Han replied annoyed.

"Can't you do anything?!" Luke insisted.

"There's nothing I can do kid, I'm at full power," the smuggler replied as he turned around and reached a switch on the roof. "I'll have to shut it down, but they're not going to take me without a fight."

"You can't win. But there are alternatives to fight." Obi-Wan suggested.

"That's exactly what I was thinking, Master." Jaral intervened. "Han, launch those escape pods in the rear."

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