THE WORLD is in chaos five years after the loss of the infinity stones. Calamities are destroying the world left, right and centre. But when a mysterious force tries to think of a way to save the world, will it really work?
The avengers react to...
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Robert Downey Junior is an American actor and producer, and he has a wife named Susan Downey who is also a producer. He has three kids.
Birthdate: 4th April 1965
Net-worth: $300 million dollars
"Looks like you're still rich as an actor Stark," Natasha stated.
"I am, not as rich as am now though," Tony grinned slightly.
Pepper nudged him and muttered that he looked good, and he smiled back. This exchange went unknown, not that it needed to, except to the spies along with Nebula and Gamora.
{Tony stark} [human] tony is shown looking down Tony sitting Tony staring solemnly at something Tony has blood on the side of his face Tony is sitting with Yinsen who is staring up at him.
Tony flinched when seeing Yinsen, but he tried not to show it. He'd been trying to live by Yinsen's last words ever since the guy had given up his life, which was much more than Tony's, to save him.
"Is this-," Rhodey looked at Tony, a sad look on his face. Tony nodded and Rhodey looked down.
Tony has a look of sorrow on his face. Tony: I can't sleep Pepper looks at him. She's shown comforting Tony who is having a nightmare.
Tony looked down not wanting everyone to know that he hid pain behind the jokes, even though he was sure Natasha had already figured it out.
Tony looking forward. Tony is building a piece of his suit Rhodey hugs him.
Tony smiles slightly, knowing that Rhodey was always there with him, through whatever happened. Rhodey gave a small smile back.
Someone shakes Tony's shoulder. Tony smiles but then looks down. Fury is approaching Tony. Tony starts laughing and Bruce shakes his head.
Though he was used to Tony laughing at abrupt moments, Rhodey shook his head fondly. So did Pepper, who was also used to Tony's abrupt laughs.
Tony and Pepper kiss.
"You both could have gotten a room." Rhodey remembered standing there on the roof while Tony and Pepper finally kissed.
"We had a roof, you intruded it," Tony shot back.
"I was there on the roof first," Rhodey added.
Tony flying a nuke towards the space hole-thing.
Pepper looked over at Tony, a worried look on her face, and Tony looked away.
Steve: You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play. You only fight for yourself.
Steve looked away, though he slightly agreed with himself of the future. Tony looked down, while everyone looked elsewhere because this was awkward.
Bruised Tony holding his hands to his face.
Peter was worried about Mr Stark, who didn't even seem to know him. He was looking very sad and there was no way Peter could help as Mr Stark didn't even know him and wouldn't understand.
Tony removed the helmet.
Pepper had to admit that this video was not doing good for her stress levels, as she had just seen Tony bruised almost a million times.
Tony doesn't have the arc reactor in his chest and looks almost dead.
Tony gapes at where his arc reactor was supposed to be.
Pepper looked at him to make sure he had the arc reactor in his chest and hugged him. Rhodey looked Tony over, to make sure he wasn't injured.
Tony removed the helmet in the wreckage of his first suit. Tony gets out of a car. He hugs his chest, gasping. He has a bloodstain seeping through his t-shirt.
Tony flinched when he remembered what happened after that.
Tony: I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.
The avengers in question wondered what it was about.
Steve: You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero.
Steve wished he'd said that out of anger, which was even worse, but he was starting to feel guilty about saying that to Stark. Even if he'd not said it yet.
Some more scenes with Tony and then fireworks are shown in the sky. Tony: If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.
Steve winced as he had an idea where Tony got that from. He was feeling guilty for saying that Tony was nothing without the suit of armour.
"Kid, I know you in the future?" Tony looked at Peter.
"Yes Mr Stark," Peter nodded.
Natasha muttered, "Wise words," from her place right next to clint.
Tony hugging Pepper. Tony in the suit lands on the ground. Peter: I just wanted to be like you Tony: And I wanted you to be better.
Tony nodded in agreement to his future self's statement, as even though he didn't know the kid, he agreed with that.
Peter looked down, wondering how he was supposed to be better.
Tony hugs Pepper. A few scenes. Yinsen: don't waste your life.
Tony muttered, "I'm trying, but you should have gotten out of that cave." He was glad no one heard though.
Tony hits Steve in anger and the next second Tony and Pepper's place explodes.
Tony didn't apologise and Steve didn't look for it. Steve had a feeling that in the future, he had done something that he shouldn't have.
Few more scenes Tony collapses on the road. Tony is stabbed by Thanos.
Pepper screams and Rhodey turns to look at Tony who seems pale at the thought of getting stabbed but then says, "who is that guy anyway?"
Gamora and Nebula pale, looking at Thanos. They had a feeling this would be when he was going to try to complete his goal.
Steve: He's my friend Tony: So was I
More awkward silence between Tony and Steve, who were both too stubborn to say anything. Steve looked on the verge of apologizing, but Tony looked away at that moment.
The video ends with Iron Man's helmet looking dented.
"I'm sorry for what I did Stark," Steve was getting guiltier by the second and he hated it as he rushed through his words.
Tony looked at him, "Don't apologize for something you haven't done yet Rogers."
There was more silence before Clint just told to go to the next person.
I watched the video at half the speed so that I could notice everything and dam that's tiring. Anyways, hope you liked the chapter.