Bad Day (Daycare Attendant x Reader)

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What a day.

You sigh as you make your way out of the bus and towards the Pizzaplex.
Why the bus you ask? Well, your car broke down while driving home, followed by a lot of other inconveniences and accidents.

You are absolutely exhausted but you need to do your job as a night guard at this place.
They first had one night guard, Vanessa, but they decided to get another one in since the Staff robots can be very easily manouvered around if you decide to break in and one guard cannot see everything.
So Vanessa and you made a plan that she monitors one side of the Plex and you the other.

One of the things you monitor is the Daycare, a place you actually quite like to be in since you became friends with the animatronic there.
You love both Sundrop and Moondrop, Sundrop was very easy to be friends with even if he can be quite hyperactive, but Moondrop was a whole other story.
He seems to be more vary, even if it shares the same opinions with Sundrop.

You push open the heavy doors of the building with a sigh and turn on your flashlight to start your normal routine.
Meet up with Vanessa, look through the main hall and then go into the attractions and the daycare.

As you walk towards the segment you meet up in you see the flashlight of your fellow coworker already.
Vanessa huffs amused as she sees you approaching and raises an eyebrow.

"You look like you're a Zombie."

You can't help but smile a little as you roll your eyes.

"Oh I definitely feel like one, today was... something."

Vanessa chuckles a little but then looks towards the clock.
"As much as I would love to chat, we need to get going, we can talk in our break later."
You pout but nod, agreeing with her.

As you walk away you shortly wave at her before resuming your duties.
You think about visiting the daycare first since you could really need Sunny's positive energy or Moons more relaxing one.
As you think about them you smile a little, yeah, you're gonna visit them first.

With that thought in mind you beeline it towards the daycare and wait till the gates go up a little so you can go under and in it quickly.
You go through the room and glance fondly at the statues before heading to the main room, contemplating if you want to go down the slide or not.

Well fuck it.

You shortly look around if anyone sees, even if it's silly since you are alone with the Daycare Attendant roaming around somewhere. You quickly go down the slide and into the ballpit, shortly regretting doing it because of what could all be in it left by kids and toddlers.
You start to wade through the balls and out of the pit as you hear a familiar voice from up top.

"(Y/N)!! You're finally here!!"

You look up and see the cheery animatronic, chuckling a little at his happiness as he dives down into the ball pit and almost instantly appears next to you, wrapping you into a tight hug and spinning you around.

"I missed you I missed you I missed you friend!!"

It nuzzles a little against your cheek before you quickly ask them to let you down.
He immediately complies and then tilts his head at you.

Oh no.
He knows something's wrong.

Why does he needs to be so observational?
Okay well he's a caretaker for children of course he needs to be.

"Friend are you alright? You seem different then normally! Different different!!"
He quickly starts to inspect you from all around to see if you maybe have any injuries. It immediately relaxes as it didn't saw any and then looks at you while playing with it's fingers

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