Cleaning Night (Sundrop x Reader)

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You already know it's going to be an interesting shift since you clocked in, because well, tonight is cleaning night.
It won't just be Vanessa and you this time, but other workers will join you as well. They will clean the animatronics and place while you two do your normal routines.

You sigh a little at that because it means you cannot visit Sun and Moon tonight, you already missed them both.

Vanessa nudges you from the side and chuckles.
"Come on don't look so sad, you can see them tomorrow night"
You smile a little and nod.
"Yeah you're right, but I still miss them" you pout a little.

She rolls her eyes at you and then grabs your arm gently, pulling you a little to the side, sliding her backpack off her shoulders and opening it.

"Maybe this will cheer you up! Look what I brought for us tonight."

You look into the backpack and realize with a gasp that it is full of snacks and sweets. Maybe this will be a great night after all.

"Since a lot of people are here we can do our loops together, we can talk and snack a bit on this."
She grins and wiggles her eyebrows at you as you laugh a little.

"Okay okay you won me over, where do we start?"

You two start at the main halls, looking through the little souvenir shops and looking into the animatronics rooms here and there, making sure everything is okay with the other staff as well.
You dont want any accidents happen after all.

You two talk and start to open various snacks, one being labeled as a very sour candy, you look at Vanessa challengingly.

"I bet I can eat more of those in a minute then you"
She raises an eyebrow but a little smirk makes it way onto her face and you knew you got her.

"Oh bet~."

You grin at her and get ready to stuff your mouth full of this candy but one of the workers jogs over to you.
You both look at him with an raised eyebrow, questiongly.

"I-I am sorry to interrupt but-" he takes a deep breath from the jogging he did "We cannot find the Daycare Animatronic anymore, we walked into the Daycare and it came to greet us, but as soon as it saw the buckets it just... bolted, now we can't find it anymore!"

Ah that's why he's so out of breath, the Daycare is at the other end of the Pizzaplex.

You sigh and nod "I will try to find him alright?"
You knew exactly where they are hiding.

You look apologetic to Vanessa as the man already starts to walk towards the Daycare.
"I am sorry, let's continue this after I found him, alright?"

"Yeah yeah" she waves a hand dismissive while chuckling.
"Go find your favorite"
You chuckle a little and wave at her as you quickly turn around and run after the other worker.

You soon reach the Daycare and you make your way inside, you turn towards the man. "You should go out of here for now and lock the doors from the outside, maybe he comes out if it's just me, and we don't want him hiding in the bigger parts of the Pizzaplex."

He nods quickly "Yes that... Would be unfortunate"
He quickly goes to the door and locks it behind himself, leaving you alone in the Daycare.

You sigh and go straight towards the poster door, luckily Sun brought you to his room once already.
You smile softly at the memory of it as you push open the door and make your way down the long hallway.

"Sunny dear, are you here?" you hear a little crash as you enter the first room and a startled yelp, but it didn't came from here, it came from the second room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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