Chapter One ☽︎ Kimmie

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"Our lives are not as limited as we think they are; the world is a wonderfully weird place; consensual reality is significantly flawed; no institution can be trusted, but love does work; all things are possible; and we all could be happy and fulfilled if we only had the guts to be truly free and the wisdom to shrink our egos and quit taking ourselves so damn seriously."
-- Unknown


"DAD LIFE LOOKS good on you," I grin at Aaron while he struggles to get his phone from Junior, who is now six months old and making small baby noises in his father's arms.

"You can say that," He chuckles, while Junior steadies in his arms. He looks just like his Dad, except he took his mother's eyes. Said mother is across the room, whispering into Brittany, girlfriend of my therapist teammate, Nick.

Apparently Nick is about to announce something and everyone is curious, including somewhat grumpy and happy Coach Mike. We're at a party organized by Liz for the new year, and it's just our small circle of friends present. Okay, not entirely small, Nick's parents and brother are here, Diane and her girlfriend and a couple of more people I'm struggling to keeps track of their names.

"Here, help me," Aaron hands Junior to me, who freezes when my hands touch him, looking at me with those bright cobalt eyes, and then he relaxes. "Don't lose him," Aaron gives me a warning look. "And if you see Mrs. Kelly around, she'll take him from you in a second,"

"Without a doubt," I chuckle.

"I'll be right back, little man," Aaron says to Junior, who makes more baby noises as Aaron kisses his forehead.

Junior looks up at me for a moment, like he's trying to dissect me or something, and then he makes more sounds I don't understand. He then gives me a toothless smile and I grin at him, finally understanding why some people have baby fever. Never thought I'd say this but, he's such a cute baby.

"He's such a cute baby," I look up to find Sam, saying the same words I uttered in my head. "I mean so many women fuck Aaron, and and then she gets his heart," she fake sobs.

"Sam, Jesus," I yell and then I look at Junior in my arms. He's focused on the arm of my suit so I silently pray that he didn't catch what she said, or his mom will have me for dinner.

"You see, Genny," Sam tells an ebony skinned girl walking towards us. "I'm so terrible with babies,"

"Genevieve," she purrs and I wince, like literally. "You look so hot with babies,"

"Yeah, I'm a proud hockey uncle, thanks," I force a smile when I hear some footsteps behind me.

"Hudson," Liz calls behind me as Junior raises his arms for his her. She then takes him into her arms and he gives a huge toothless smile. "Hi Sam, hi, girl I don't know," She says to the women behind me.


"The same Genevieve who messed things up for my friends over there," Liz's eyes dart to Nick and Bri and back to Genevieve.

"Yes, that Genevieve," she mutters uncomfortably.

"I hope you're sorry," Liz tells her and then shifts her gaze back to me.

"Where's my husband?" She grins at me while Junior plays with her hair.

"He's over there with Nick," I say as I spot Aaron across the hall, whispering to Nick. His eyes find me and when he sees Liz standing next to me he gestures for her to come over.

"Alright, Junior, say bye to Uncle Hudson," she tells Junior to looks at me and then looks away. Liz giggles as she makes her way to her husband.

"They're so happy," Sam gushes and Genevieve snorts.

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