Voices (Chapter 2)

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I looked dizzily in front of me. There stood what I think was a lemon leaf, who appeared to be slightly taller than me. She was looking at me with a sympathetic twinkle in her eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked as she waved her freed soaking hand in my face

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"Hey are you okay?" She asked as she waved her freed soaking hand in my face.

I blinked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Which wasn't technically a lie since the dizziness was subsiding.

She then gave me a smile, only for it to immediately turn into a frown.

"I was just worried since when the rain came down on you steam came off, and it looked like you were panicking." She said. "Are you made a fire or something? Is water deadly to you?"

"Yes and Yes." I replied, to which I will received a few odd stares.

"Oh!" she said the worry in her voice rebounding.

"Water..." I remembered while looking at the rain dripping off and splashing onto her.

I flashed back to when I was back at camp.

"If only you could handle water. Then you could be so much more useful to us." Prof. Golfball was for some reason scolding me. (She always said little things like this)

I began to cry a little. I knew I must of looked like a wuss, but I couldn't help it!


I sat on floor shocked and speechless. It wasn't my fault that the rain outside would have extinguished me, and it never was.

 "Don't  worry about it

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"Don't worry about it. I'm fine like this if it keeps you from dying."

Oh! She must have thought I staring at her because I felt bad about her being drenched in water. Then again she was starting to shiver. I doubt it was nice, and I was starting to feel bad.

She then noticed my banged up suitcases. "Are you new here?" She asked. "Where ya from?"

"Remember, say your from B.F.D.I." Prof. Gb had said, so I told her I from there.

B.F.D.I was slang that stood for Big Free Decent Intersection. It was a large city comparable to Goikyville. It surrounded a intersection between Goikyville and Grassy Grove's railroad. (A small yet resource rich countryside town.)

"Where ya headed?" She asked.

"I was told there was space in Oakland Apartments." I said.

"Oh that's where I live! Do you want me to walk you there?" She replied.

Well, it didn't seem like I had choice considering the fact that the rain was still pelting everything in sight.

"Sure." I said.

She held her umbrella with both hands then swapped it.

"Well let's go!" she said beginning walk farther south.

As we walked she kept looking back at me. I kept a close eye on the ground so I wouldn't step into a puddle. We were completely silent. Raindrops fell to the pavement with a plop! I didn't even know this person's name, but I felt attached. She did save me from being extinguished by this rain. I did miss being treated as a civilian and not solider during days that weren't Christmas or Thanksgiving.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

Plop! Plop! Plop!

"My name's Leafy by the way." She suddenly said while still turning to me.

"Firey." I replied. "My name is Firey."

She smiled and giggled a little.

Then, there was yelling.

Leafy quickly held her freed arm in front of me as if it was instinct. Soon I could make out the yelling.
"Give me liberty or give me death!"
"Stand down!"
"Your causing a disturbance!"
"Oh! Look at us being oppressed! Help!"

Leafy looked to as if she was troubled then but her lip and looked down. She was trembling.

 I listened back to the yelling

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I listened back to the yelling.



Leafy sighed. I heard her muttering "You can never... used to... or...stand...that." She mumbled.

Used to? Professor Gb wasn't kidding when she said this place was foaming with potential rebels.
As for the "stand...that" part I couldn't understand what she meant.

"Welp, looks like their business is done. Let's get you to Oakland Apartments." She said in an off-cheery voice.

How could anyone bounce back to being cheerful so quickly after that? She just muttered about never being able to get used to it!

"Okay..." I managed to spit out.

I think that was about 739 words this time!

I know this chapter is much shorter than the first one, but the first chapter had more ground to cover.
My plan for chapter one was to cover Firey being assigned in Goikyville with some background information and then finally getting to the part where he first meets Leafy. Sorry if this is too much of a cliffhanger. Also, I know that I forgot to include Firey's suitcases and the umbrella switched between Leafy's hands. Firey still has his suitcases.
New word count: 827 words

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