the search🧐

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Sirius was running not far from Harry. They were heading towards the forbidden Forest, what was going on he thought, this was not normal at least not for Harry. But yet again he didn't actually know Harry very well.

Sirius slowed down, maybe he should give Harry some space but then Harry stop he was crying as he saw Harry slide before his heart went out to him he knows how it feels He walked over slowly and sat down next to Harry. I looked up suddenly wiping his eyes and trying to smile but the attempt was feasible. Sirius heart broke even more of the sight of his little godson like that all he could do was put him into a hug. Harry retaliated the action. All he said "was let it all out" his godfather was the best. They stayed like this for five minutes before they broke apart. Harrys eyes were still red and swollen from crying. Sirius spoke fast "it's alright I'm here for you no look at you ever again." He was looking into Harry's eyes are quite okay from Harry this morning it was the only reply Harry is mine was a mess how could he explain everything. Stomach was hurting He felt like a disappointment ,a fraud, he felt worthless and all he could do was say "I'm sorry" looking down again. Sirius heart was in pieces all over again oh how he hated seeing his godson's face looking so hurt and so broken "Harry listen to me you have nothing to be sorry for, this was not your fault, do you understand? It was not you doing, okay" Harry noted in understanding after about five minutes he and Harry left Hogwarts.

.,.,.,    Back with the headmaster in his office...   .,.,.,

What was he going to do, Harry was gone. Sirius was seen and he was now surrounded by Cornelius, umbrage and aurors. How was he to cover this up. His name bought him out of his thoughts, "Albus" it was Minerva. "We had a report that serious flat broke into Gryffindor common room" she suddenly looked shocked to see the others finally realising she wasn't alone. "Come join the party" he said with a small smile.

 Cornelius was angry how has he escaped us again, and was Mr Potter with him he said. Minerva looked shocked she'd heard rumours but was unsure whether it was true. What the hell happened she would have to find out. If Albert would not then she was sure Harrys friend would tell her. Can you tell me what happened she exclaimed looking between everyone. Cornelius spoke "madam Umbridge would you tell them what you know" she nodded and began her story it was quite a story." I was alerted to a stranger in the castle bye Mr Flint and he said they were heading here. By the time I made it, I could hear yelling and screaming, as I approached I found Mr Potter trying to get past the gargoyles" she stopped and look at all the shocked faces, feeling quite smug she carried on "Mr Potter with desperate to get past I told him to move and I went and gave the cargoes the password he shot past me by the time I made the office here I found serious black Leading Mr Potter down more was shocked at what happened after that I called you" said looking at the minister. 

"ok" Albus exclaimed  looking at Minerva as he said "what do you know well I was told that, someone shouted and woke everyone up and someone had left the common room when Harry run out then came back being pulled along by Mr Black." She swore the shocked looks continued "they headed to the fifth year dorm and came down with a trunk full of stuff some seventh and eighth years tried to stop them but black was having none of it. That was all I was told" she said

Albus thought it made sense, but if this carried on they would be here all day well night, so he made a decision. "Minister I might be able to find out where they are" everyone looked confused so explained "Mr Potter has actually got a tracking charm on him" he explained "if you would give me a minute" with that he waved his wand a moment later piece of parchment fell out of the air it said Mr Harry James Potter location: unknown

Albus just smiled, he knew what that meant. When he handed it to the minister he looked disappointed "Albus why are you so happy?" He asked.

"Because I know where they are, or at least how are you," He stated with a smile. If you would give me a minute I will.. He was interrupted by Umbridge

"no, you should send or at least have a ministry Member with you"

"Well that is a problem they will not be able to see it" he got puzzled looks at that statement "if you wish for them to come, then so be it" he stated with a smile.

When everyone was in agreement I was and the minister headed to the flow networks, and they were off. It was buggy when they arrived the minister could not see a thing. But they had landed, it sounded like someone came in the room, they were not happy.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? What part of stay away from Harry did you not get?" Who ever it was they were furious. Albus spoke next,

"Sirius, was this really necessary," Albus also could not say, Sirius must have done some charm. "Please just hand over Harry he du..."

" no and you will never see him again, I will not take your insolence."

Sirius and Harry had evaporated here, and the first thing he did was add and get rid of the old fearless charm, he was now the secret keeper. He had just finished when he had the flow. Albus was going to get it....

"Now get out of my house" he said with rising anger. When they did not move he was ready to fight.

This shocked the minister, no matter what they would say it would not end well. He knew that. "GET OUT" was the last thing they heard, before they were blasted out, they found themselves in the middle of Hogsmeade. 

hi I apologise if my spelling is bad, please comment if you want a more parts


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