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This is my first book please don't be mean and I hope you like it bye!

TW:mention of abuse

Third POV

Gingerbrave and his team were walking around the woods, looking for who to save when licorice jumped their way..

Licorice backflipped away from the woods, stopping  once he could, he held his hip looking at the woods


Licorice yelled as he summoned licorice ropes from the ground running back into the woods


Gingerbrave and his team were silent.

G "We should spy on him.."

S "why? That's a bit rude..."

G "he literally had an injured hip strawberry"

S "okay we can spy.."

Gingerbrave and his team sneaked into the woods getting behind a close-enough bush, watching licorice fight someone?

Licorice blocked the person's staff, and he summoned licorice servers heading after the person



?? "I just want to talk to you licorice.. please..."

L "no you want to end it."

The person then backed licorice into a tree, licorice's back hit the tree as he yelped in pain

??? "Please licorice.."

Licorice sent the person a cold state before kicking the person in the gut, the person cried out in pain

L "out of all my years of living, No one has ever settled on 'just talking' it's always been fight."

The person fell

L "and I don't think it'll change to just talking now.."

Licorice bent down the person in pain

L "pure vanilla I wish I could join you really but with such conditions it's impossible."

He hit PV on the head, knocking him out

L "...I'm srry pv but I've made my decision, I'm not going to join anyone anymore.."

Licorice got up, looking at pv sighing, forgetting about his wounds them ofc giving him pain

L "ow!"

Licorice held his hip again

L "...god time to change my identity again.."

Licorice gave pure vanilla one more look before walking away

Gingerbrave and his team were shocked, 'licorice knew pv!?' Is what they all thought

+--we're on licorice now--+

'god I probably shouldn't have fought them' he stopped walking

"Damn it!"

He'd punch a tree, whining out of pain


Licorice saw the moon flower garden, and walked over

'our garden..'

He sat down by the flowers looking at the budding flowers

'...god this was stupid!..'

MC "hey!"

Licorice looked at where the voice came from, seeing mint choco cookie

L "oh... What do you want?"

MC "why are you at the moon flower garden!?"

L "because I made it and it calms me! anything else!?"

They were silent for a moment before mint choco spoke..

MC "you made it how? It can only be made by the ancients??"

L "do y'all have history books or did you forget???"

The flowers bloomed spreading it's beautiful petals

MC "we do!"

L "then read them you idiot!"

Licorice gave mint choco a flare before picking a moon flower smelling it

Mint choco didn't like this so hit Licorice on his head with his violin

L "fuck ow!!"

Licorice dropped the flower holding his head in pain

MC "..."

L "I already have enough bruises and newly made wounds now I get hit on the head are you serious!??"

MC "what??"

Licorice soon heard what he said covering his mouth and getting up

L. "ya know I should really go home!"

MC "hold on"

Mint choco grabs licorices wrist, he whimpers in pain

MC "wha- are you getting abused!?"

L "n-no! Why would you assume something like that"


MC "ok uhm- do you have a home?"

L "uh yeah my kingdom.."

MC "you!? A kingdom!? Nahhh"


MC "wait what you actually run a kingdom!?"

L "y-yeah?"

MC "what kingdom??"

L "licorice kingdom.."

MC "really!?"

Licorice nods.

MC "can I take you to it?"

L "sure but we'll have to stop so I can change.."

MC "okay!"


Haha cliffhanger but I'll explain the mentions of the kingdom and pure vanilla it's my own au actually but I'll explain soon cya!

675 words

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