#2-the kingdom

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Hey thanks for 11 reads already! I hope you enjoy the second chapter bye bye!


+--licorices pov--+

MC "soooo are you a king or prince..?"

L "a king, I was declared it when I came back"

MC "came back from what??"

L "dark enchantress ofc"

Licorice stopped walking when they both got close to a wall

MC "uhh why did you stop?"

L "idiot I said I had to stop to change"

MC "not infront of me right?"

L "ew no I respect my privacy"

Licorice grabbed a small bag from a tree walking away to change

MC "I have to tell the others when I get back.."

L "you aren't telling anyone shit mint choco.."

MC "wait you hea-"

Licorice appeared in a white silky dress with off the shoulder shelves

Licorice appeared in a white silky dress with off the shoulder shelves

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L "istg don't even mention it, they don't know I'm a boy yet.."

Mint choco burst out laughing

Licorice blushes in embarrassment

L "s-stop laughing >:("


L "let's just go.."

Licorice grabs mint chocos wrist dragging him to the gates

Guard "welcome back queen licorice! Uh who is that?"

L "I found him playing the violin, and I wanted a personal musician"

Guard "okay! We shall let you in now."

The guards pulled open the gates letting licorice and mint choco walk

Citizen "hello queen licorice!"

They stop walking.

L "hello vandalla how are you?"

V "I'm good just sewing some clothes for the children! How about you my queen?"

L "I'm fine though.."

Licorice walks over to where vandalla is

L "these are magnificent! How would you like to be the kingdoms clothing maker?"

V "really!? I would love too!"

L "great we can meet at my palace soon cya there!"

V "cya soon my queen!"

+--after greeting all the citizens and arriving in the castle--+

Licorice lets out a breath of relief letting go of mint chocos wrist

MC "you good?"

L "yeah just alot of greetings.."

Licorice walks over to the throne room, walking to the throne sitting on it

L "come here!"

Mint choco walks into the throne room, looking at all the gold and black decorations

MC "woahhh.."

L "I think it's over-decorated hbu?'

MC "it's magnificent!"

A guard walks in

Guard "my queen, some people want to see you"

L "send them in"

Guard "yes my queen"

The guard leaves sending the people in

G "hello queen of licorice kingdom!"

Gingerbrave and his team bow, while mint choco is at the side of licorices throne

L "what is it you need dear?"

Licorice trying to put on his most sweetest voice

G "we have to warn you of a cookie named licorice cookie, he srsly harmed a ancient named pure van-"

Licorice slams his fist on the arm of his throne


G "I'm sorry my queen I didn't know.."

L "other than that, anything else?"

G " d-do you not care!?"

L "no, absolutely not."

G "...you look like the licorice cookie.."

L "what."

Licorice said in a very threatening tone

G "nothing my queen"

L "you are getting on my nerves."

Licorice got up from his throne grabbing a sharp-end staff,walking toward gingerbrave.

L "what the fuck do you want."

Licorice pointed the sharp end at gingerbraves neck.

Gingerbraves team tensed taking out their weapons, mint choco just hiding behind licorices throne.

G "i- ..."

Licorice raised the end going to under his jaw

L "I'd prefer you speak."

G "I'm sorry my queen that was all."


L "your lucky I'm in a good mood today."

Licorice lowered the staffs sharp point from gingerbrave.

Wizard C "you just threatened our friend >:("

L "does it matter?"

Licorice walked back to the throne sitting once again

L "is that all?"

G "yes."

L "ok then, GUARDS!"

The guards come in behind the team

L "now mint choco you may visit when you want but make sure the guards know your my violinist"

Mint choco came from behind the throne

MC "yes licorice"

Licorice gave mint choco a mean glare

L "escort them out guards, mint choco just leave"

The guards nodded escorting gingerbrave and his team out, mint choco walked to the the door stopping before closing the door

L "why did you stop?"

MC "goodluck cause this doesn't look easy :)"

Mint choco left.

Licorice stated at just closed door and chuckled

L "thank you.."


Yes licorice is trans in my au don't be a transphobe
But overall I hope you enjoyed cya next chapter :D

765 words

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