Entrance Exam

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This was a big risk- really really big.

But other than spend the rest of my life wasting away in my mothers house, what choice did I have? Im leaving the world knowing I did good, contributed to a cause I was proud of, not become some culty socialite who lets my past remain unatoaned.
So, the morning had followed as I planned, I'd asked my mother to accompany me to the Mall near UA, listening to her boring drivel about quirks doomsday, and eventually waited for her to spot her favourite spa, that id checked had only one availability left.
So now I had 2 hours. 2 hours to get into my Fathers school, UA high schools Hero course.
People flooded into the auditorium, some, recognisably identifiable quirks, one boy had engines  in his leg, I'm guessing his power is super speed. Some not so much, a girl with little horns and pink skin sat in front of me but I couldn't tell what her quirk was.
After they explained the drill, my stomach turned over, I was really doing this, I was really really doing this. Ok, I ran through the drills in my head, robots meaning extra points, biggest ones worthless. Got it. My quirk should be able to handle robots. Excellent!
But I still felt like throwing up.
The feeling continued as we were led out of the auditorium, dividing into groups, mine being led to a large gate. I noticed sonic with the car engines was in my group and that most people were in fact wearing work out gear...
"Embarrassing mon cheri!" A boy tutted, eyeing up my skinny jeans and floral blouse, I couldn't have come out with my mum in sweats could I? I had barley been able to get here!
"Not as embarrassing your combover." I replied pushing past him, heading to nearer the front.
Sonic was talking to some boy with dark gaur and freckles, I overheard him telling freckle face to leave some girl alone, great people were trying to some out the competition.
A gunshot fired and the gates moved open, we all ran in, past freckles and into a replica of a city.
"Seriously! UA goes all out!" Someone yelled
I liked chatting to people and hadn't been able to with my own age group for a while but at the moment, I needed to stay focused, so I didn't reply, bustling through the weirdly life like streets, wow, it was impressive, did the UA teacher Cementoss make the roads and some buildings? No time to think about that now, a loud boom and the robot was in front of me.
People around yelled at it, charging in and activating all manners of quirks.
I pondered my move, before letting off a tendril of my quirk, tying it around a lamppost and pulling me up, then, whilst people started with its feet, I built a large amount of destructive matter, something dangerous to the touch, and shot it at the robots top.
With a quick thought, I saw some idiot was behind the robot, shit.
I swung closer to him, flinging out a dome of energy "don't touch it!" I yelled seeing a completely black dome cover a quivering kid. It might have been the french blonde but I couldn't be sure, not that it matters.
The robot fell with a bomb and I frowned at how easy my power was on these things, they weren't people so I could use full strength on them without worrying someone would be too hurt...
Not now. Anytime but now.
The robot that would have hit the boy was left with a large hole im it's leg, from the black dome, I called it back, reabsorbing the matter, and realised how tiered I was.
I wasn't the most athletically fit, but I knew the concentration of destruction was getting to me, crap.
"I almost had it!" The french boy called climbing from its leg with a pout "your dark power is nothing against my gorgeous navel laser!!!!"
I gave a grin and swung down from the building. I couldn't let anyone know how tiered I was, it wouldn't look good.

I dropped to the ground, panting with exhaustion and bruises beginning to crawl up my arms and ribs. The exam had ended when freckles punched the shit out of the pointless robot in defence of some girl who seemed to possess a quirk to make things float, which is why I'd dubbed her floats.
I'd lost track of my points, I was barley able to stay awake to beat up the things, not count points or anything.
And now, with wind bussled hair and covered in sweat, I'd have to go back to my mother. A tiny old lady appeared to be checking up on the well being of the examinees, but I would be fine so I ignored the pain and then hesitated.
The boy- freckles, he looked in bad shape...
I turned and limped over to him, his arm looked busted, his clothes ripped "hey, you look a little rough, are you ok?"
His green eyes looked up at me and he nodded "yup!" He winced but I admired his enthusiasm.
"Some finishing move." I smiled, helping him sit up as the old lady made her way over
"Your quirk, it's cool! How does it work?" He asked
I bit my lip "it's called destruction. I can emit destructive matter but I can also regulate the concentration of the destructive nature."
"Amazing! An interesting and powerful ability, can be used for all sorts, an emitter, of course..." he kept rambling as the little old lady came over and I left. He would be fine, and I needed to go.

"It was wonderful! They had that mint water I like!" My mother told me as we turned the corner to our street. "I'm so glad." I smiled, I was completely exhausted and battered. If I had been given more time to use and understand my quirk, maybe I'd be better off now, but I didn't so I'd have to play catch up.
"I feel all my stress is gone! Next time I'll be sure to bring you Akira, you look awful." She rubbed a hand through my tangled blonde hair and I smiled.
And then I stopped smiling.
We were at the gate to our house, and a man stood outside, a man I recognised from every newspaper in the country.
All might.
What was he doing here?
"What are you doing here?" My mother asked, her stress levels immediately rising
"I am here! To visit." He smiled and a few people pointed excitedly in the street.
"You have had 5 years to visit!"
"Mum! Your going to make a scene."
She eyes him angrily "let's go in."

I'd been told to wait in my room which was driving me insane, I could hear arguments but unfortunately I heard no distinct words.
No one had ever told me all night was my father, I just... knew, like no one teaches you that you need water to survive, I just knew.
They had met at a protest, my mother told me, her protesting for the banning of quirk uses, my Father attempt to talk her down involved dinner which led to a fast romance and eventually me.
They burned out a year after I was born but I'd seen him for years. There were a few articles with me on his shoulders or us getting Ice cream, my favourite was one of my father with myself and endeavours family when I was about 4, no one had ever confirmed I was his daughter but I didn't need them to, he was my dad, and he told me he loved me.
Until he didn't.
I don't really know why but he never showed up for my 10th birthday, or any other I'd had, he'd just vanished.
And I'd waited and waited for him to come back but he never did.
Maybe I'd been a distraction or he'd gotten bored of me, I'd never been sure but I'd often not thought about it, I wasn't allowed to really.
A knock at my door bought me back to reality.
I stood up, shaking a little before I walked with false confidence and swung it open.
All might looked down at me "may I come in?"
I hesitated before shoving it open and allowing him though the heavy door frame.
I stared at him with an unimpressed expression, even if I wanted to scream and shout whilst also climb onto his shoulders and sweatily like I was a kid again.
He made the first move "I've never really known how to apologise for leaving, akira."
"Well then maybe you never should have."
"I'm sorry, akira. I really am. I am also sorry I didn't get to see you grow up. I hardly recognised you."
"Why are you here?" I asked
"I saw you at the exam."
I froze.
"I haven't told your mum that, but I saw your application too, you signed the parental permission with my family name but I didn't believe it was you until I saw your quirk."
I shrugged a little
"So, you want to become a hero." He broke the silence
"Why are you even watching UA entrance exams?" I snarked
"I'm not supposed to say, but I'm actually starting as a teacher soon, I wanted to see my first classes exams, prepare a lesson plan."
"If you had so much free time, why didn't you want to see me?" I asked, turning to face him angrily
"I did Kira, I really did, but I couldn't. I know your mother hasn't been passing on my letters but I tried to be there for you in whatever way I could."
"Letters?" I asked
"Someone bad was following me, they threatened you and your mother, I defeated them about 5 years ago, but I couldn't be sure his allies wouldn't come for you, I wrote letters, every week, but your mother..."
"Whatever." I said, but it wasn't whatever, it was everything, my dad had wanted me! He had, I wasn't unwanted he had an excuse! But he still left, didn't bother to see if I'd gotten them. I couldn't figure out why but I didn't feel like giving up the anger I had held onto for the past 5 years just yet....
"I'll sign the parent permission form, I know you impressed the judges, you impressed me kid, your very likely to get in, I can talk to your mum if you want."
"No!" I shouted, almost leaping from my seat
"Alright, but I'm not sure how your going to go to high school without her figuring it out."
"That's my problem."
He nodded at that "your old enough to have your own phone now, maybe we can exchange numbers."
I scribbled mine down and shoved in his giant palm "there, now I'm tiered from impressing judges, can you just go?"
He looked a little hurt but nodded "of course akira."

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