How to Get your Crush to like You

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1.Get to know him/her
Find out things he/she likes,places he goes a lot,stuff like that. Try doing some things he/she and go to the places he/she likes,that way when you talk to him/her,you'll have least something in common to talk about. Once he/she sees that you've got a few things in common, he/she will take more interest in you.

2. Get involved in what he's/she's doing.
If he/she is in a group or organization,join it! If you have an excuse to be around him/her in a social setting,you'll have more chances to develop a relationship with him/her. Hopefully, your personalities will spark and you can snag your crush.

3. Is he/she shy?
First of all, never start by showing interest, play it cool. Spend time with your crush and make sure you have some of the same interests to talk about. People are much more attracted to someone they have things in common with. If you feel like things are going well, and he/she still hasn't made a move, he/she may be shy. At this point, you can let him/her know that you're interested. Ask him/her if he/she wants to get coffee or dinner. If he/she says yes, you know that you're one step closer from snagging your crush.

4. Be bold and be yourself!
First, look for a sign that shows he/she may be slightly interested. Also, be very flirty and mannered. Text them cute things that imply that you are interested. This makes it easier for them to express their feelings back. When you feel you're closer to getting your crush, try kissing them. Be bold and be you!

5. Flirt, flirt, flirt! (If you're interested in girls, skip this step)
Play hard to get. Guys are such suckers for a girl they can't have. Yes they may flirt and look around, but if you play your cards right and stay on his mind, he'll come back to you for sure. Flirt with other guys in front of him so you can catch his attention. Walk over to him and flirt with him little, but be reserved, then, if he asks to see you, tell him maybe.

I hope this helped! Comment what I should do next.

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