How To Easy Breakfast

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- On The Go
•Pre-made breakfast cookies
•Homemade trail mix
•No bake granola balls
•Handful of fruits
•Pre-made muffins
•Overnight oats
•Hard boiled eggs

- 5 Minute Breakfast
•Apples with almond or peanut butter
•Cut up fruit salad
•Whole wheat oatmeal
•Microwaved scramble egg
•Fruit and cheese kabobs

- 10 Minute Breakfast
•Fruit and Yogurt parfait
•Breakdfast Burrito
•Breakfast sand which
•Frozen or cut up bananas w/ almond butter
•Cinnamon Rolls
•Omelet w/ hash browns

- Drinks
•Fruit Smoothies
•Juice or Milk
•Flavored or regular water
•Tea,Hot Cocoa, or Coffee
•Protein Shakes

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