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      Blood splattered the pavement as he finished sucking the blood of the townspeople. He had missed this feeling. Death. Destruction. All because of him. He knew this blood wouldn't satisfy him. He sought for more. What other town would he destroy? 

"You know you're girlfriend's a Voyante right?" Junji begins scrutinizing Melly with his gaze.

         He's been watching her, longing for her from afar. She hasn't changed a bit: still tall enough to reach his broad shoulders, eyes menacing enough to scare the mightiest of lions or sneakiest of snakes. Oh, how he loved her eyes. They were a bright amber but looked golden against her obsidian brown skin. Those eyes were angry now, cold. Nothing like the exciting kind eyes he saw when she first gazed at her girlfriend. Before she saw him.

         Melly herself is a vivid red rose that just bloomed. Intense and pretty. When she is picked, her thorns attack. And attack. And attack. Until the person holding her drops. Tiny scarlet scars lither their palms. But he wanted those scars. It was worth the pain. 

          He noticed a septum piercing dangled from her nose adding to her alluring beauty. Melly had box braids in her head the same color as her eyes. Her lips were lined with black and plump; almost like a red plum. And as much as he loved looking at her lips, he really shouldn't. Junji started thinking of those times those lips were on him, embracing him. Chills went down his spine and goosebumps formed in his skin.

        Melly shifted as she felt Junji's eyes caress her skin. He'd gotten bigger, that change she could see. But his eyes...what happened?

"Don't look at me like that," she said rolling her eyes, "and yes I know."

"You've been suppressing her," it wasn't a question, "do you know how badly that'll fuck her up?"

"Yes I know but it's for her greater good. I never wanted her a part of this life."

"Don't you think that's for her to decide? Aish, you're so fucking selfish all of the time."

She glared at him, "The fuck do you mean."

"You don't want this lifestyle. You left your family," you left me "you're jeopardizing your new fuck toy."

Melly slapped him, "it's been a while but you know what I can do." Ah, her eyes that everyone else see, the ones that are a light shade of golden brown, are not her real ones. Her real ones are a bright shade of purpure with specs of turquoise. The color of her eyes that showed that she is a witch. The eyes that showed her power. The real her. 





"Yes, there you are. 나의 별."

"I'm not your star anymore. Tell me why the fuck you're here."

Junji sank to his knees, "please, 내 세상, I've missed you so much."

      He was in a perfect submissive position. Eyes downcast with hands in his lap. 

"Get up, mutt. Explain yourself."

       He looked up at her, such adoration in his eyes. This is the Mei he missed.

"Will I get an award if I do?"

She fondled his chin, "Depends on what you tell me."


"So, two weeks ago, my dad has been released from his repentir sleep and I'm the only one that can bring him down?"

"Basically," Junji replied loving the way Melly was stroking his hair.

       Melly had moved them to her and Lolli's apartment thinking that this conversation was more private than anything. 

"Why me?"

"You're the only one that has the power to stop him, literally, it's in a property. They call you The Melanger."

"Ooo how nice. I've been out of the so-called witching world for like 3 years. How do they expect me to defeat this age-old all-powerful vampire."

"I don't know. We're supposed to talk to Grandmere tomorrow. You're girlfriend's supposed to come to."

"What?! Fuck that."

        Melly gets up so quickly that Junji hits his head against the couch arm; the very hard couch arm.

"Oww," he rubs his head, "you're so rude."

"I don't want her in this mess," Melly expresses, pacing back and forth.

Junji gets up, "well she's in it. Grandmere is supposed to explain everything. You have a choice to tell her today or have Grandmere explain everything to her."

"Fine," she huffs.

"One question: why Louisiana?"

"There's a lot of magic here. Let's go get her. Her name is Lolli by the way. She's very important to me so don't fuck this up."

"Yes, mistress."


       Lolli was sure this wasn't a simple go-to the nurse thing. She just saw his mom that's been fucking dead for...forever?! This was some fuckery. She never did drugs, so why the fuck was she seeing this. The ghost turned around the other way. So Lolli followed her. Was it the pills? She'd been taking them basically all her life and they've never had side effects like this before. It's all been so fucking weird since that guy showed up. The ghost laughed as she disappeared into thin air. She'd find out. 


나의 별- my star

내 세상-my world

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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