(Ignore this)

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Get out of my way, your really annoying...


Me? The crown prince? Be an emperor? No thank you, I'd rather be a farmer than be an emperor...


Father was right, you really are an annoying brat, much like your stupid mother I see.


Athanasia this, Athanasia that, seriously what's so good about her?


Athanasia? Oh well.. All she does is to hide behind someone with power, uses them, take them on advantage, she's such a bitch too.
In short, she's a full definition of a White Lotus.


To be honest what I feel about Athanasia is neutral. I don't hate her but at the same time I do not love her. But I do get annoyed at her blabbering mouth.


I really hate this world. No peaceful day will ever be gained.


War? I don't mind going to war! I honestly want the thrilling feeling of being on a life and death situation.


Where are guns when you needed them?


Claude is such a bastard, as always.


Felix is a full time nanny!


Lucas, You're really in the same level as my father.


I don't want to hear a single ounce of noise from all of you, you're all part of the imperial court but yet you all act as if you are all part of a Barn.


From now on I forbid Lucas for having free snacks made by Lily..


Me a substitute? Look I know where my rank is, being the crown prince. But seriously can't Athanasia do it, you all see her as your favorite right? Why not her instead of me then.. I'm taking my nap here.


Claude's dying and yet why are you so shocked, it's not hard to read you know. This is predictable.


Jeanette?..Mhm, She's just a clueless deer living in the wild, full of dangers that even she is not ready yet..


All I want is peaceful life and yet here you are ruining it!


Should I just kill Claude and Athanasius? Their drama is starting to get boring..


She really does reassemble that bitch. I hate her already.


Why did can't I be reincarnated on TBATE?! Atleast there's more excitement there than here, here is all full with cringeness..


Lily will be lost likely the only decent character here if it wasn't for her obsession over Athanasia.


Diana is a fucking witch.


Do you even have Royal pride?


Sarcasm is also my source of defence.


I'm am 3 years old and surrounded by toxic nobles..


That Alpheus Man is too adiathetic...and I hate that hobby of his.


My Uncle is cool if it wasn't for his depressed self, and that dark spirit resting inside of him.


I don't do dark magic, I don't want to die.


Hahhaha Uncle is funny!


Father, Why is uncle all bloody?


Oh hello Uncle! How have you been, I'll just let you know that your daughter is a piece of shit that reassemble a certain bitch!


Can't a man have privacy geez...


Who knew that all the characters on Lovable Princess are much worst than aliens...


525 words

This is all for now....might update slower because of studies..

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