Chapter 4

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...Chapter 4...


Here I am looking at a sort-of cctv monitor inside my room. A globe that shows all the actions in the palace in that exact time.

I made a bite out of a cookie, with a frown on my face. 'I didn't know that Diana died because of giving birth?!'.

Well I don't blame her for dying I don't quite remember what happened on the book so..Wait, Is Diana's death even mentioned on the book?

Ugh! All this thinking is making me go insane!

I made the floating globe disappear into dust, I left my seat and started thinking to myself. It's already been 10 months and boy those two started their lovi-dovi as soon I left.

Wondering on how I know about it? My gut feeling told me so.

Boom the doors opened reviling my energetic cousin, "Damian! Father told me that he needed you in his office!" I immediately snapped my gaze at my cousin, this kid just comes and goes as he pleases in this room. I'm spoiling him too much.

"Philip! Knock before entering!" I took a pencil and used it as a stick to to hit him on the head while I'm scolding him like a mother chicken that I was to him.

He only chuckled at me which made me even more annoyed, "What?" Philip stopped laughing and looked at me finally. "Nothing Brother, but did you do something weird to upset father?".

"No.. Atleast I think so." Philip shook his head in disappointment looking like a father dissatisfied with his son's grades. "Hey quit acting like your dad!".

"Your in trouble, Brother!" Philip ran out immediately after that little tease I only shook the my head and rolled my eyes just to shrugged it off. I closed the door and proceeded to head towards Uncle's office.

Did I really do something that might trouble him? But all this months the only thing I did was reading, playing with Philip, training, not to mention I requested for my studies to start already so I've been also taking classes, I may or may not sneaked out to towns but that's besides the point here.

What did I do wrong this time?

Yes I did cause trouble but always get away with it because I'm The crown prince, son of the tyrant emperor.

Honestly what did I even expect. No matter how many times I always remind them that they don't need to address me like royalty, It's still always the same, Royalty is still ROYALTY.

"Uncle..Philip told me that you called for me?" I entered the office, I saw Uncle Simon writing. Paperwork. (;¬_¬)

"Damian! Come here. I need to give you something, it came from the palace." I literally gagged. The palace?! Well we can expect both good news and bad news.

I walked forward to Uncle and he handed me the letter containing the imperial wax seal, "Did they say anything after delivering it?" I asked while flipping the letter checking every detail of it. "None Damian, but can feel that's the last letter you'll ever receive." I looked up at Marquis Simon with conflicted expression. "Why is that Uncle?".

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