Chapter 1

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(( The allegiances will be up in a short while! Thanks for reading! And please check out Derpee_Ocelot415 She's awesome ^_^))

Willowkit scampered along the side of camp, brushing past other warriors. She was out for the first time!
"Watch out!" yowled Whitetooth, as Willowkit sped away from him. She bit back a squeal of glee as the full ThunderClan camp came into her view. Her tail swished in anticipation, eyes shimmering with happiness. Lush grass was dotted on the floor, and warriors of all sizes were spreaded. Willowkit gasped with surprise. She didn't think there would be so many loyal cats of ThunderClan!
"Beautiful, isn't it?"a voice startled her. Willowkit whirled around to face Russetclaw, the clan deputy. What an honor! she wondered in awe.
"Yes, Russetclaw," she chirped, her eyes shining with the though of a conversation with a future leader.
As Russetclaw opened her mouth to reply, a deep meow made them both turn around.
"Speaking with our newest kits, eh?" a huge tom sat across from them. "Already?"
"Rainstar," breathed WIllowkit, her eyes now sparkling with excitement. First the deputy, then the clan leader? Rainstar looked down at her."Hello, he greeted warmly. "Willowkit wasn't it?" Willowkit felt a burst of joy in her chest. The clan leader knows my name! She scolded herself. So? He knows everyone's names! 
"Yes!" she jumped on her paws. 
"And i'm Cinderkit!" a squeal erupted from behind her. Cinderkit bouncecd up next to her. She shot a look of fake accusation at Willowkit. "Quit trying to steal my thunder!" she glared at her playfully, getting ready to pounce.
"Quit trying to steal my thunder!" she shot back at her, flicking her tail. They squabbled mercilessly under the leader and deputy's warm gazes.
"I'm going to be clan leader!" she mewed.
"No, I am!" Willowkit protested.
Rainstar seperated them gently, and lifted Willowkit up by his tail. "I'm going to have to keep an eye on you," he blinked affectionately. Does he think i'm making trouble?
"What are you doing?" Willowkit had noticed Dawnflower staring at her the moment before. Dawnflower was a beautiful cat, and was popular around the clan. When she had announced that she was having kits, cats had swarmed her with congratulations and questions. Not wanting Rainstar to be scolded by her mother's scathing tongue, she defended him. 
"He was just playing with me!" she squealed. "Right?" She silently urged him to agree. Rainstar purred. "That's right."
Dawnflower's eyes glimmered in amusement. "Falling in love already, WIllowkit?" Willowkit immediately wriggled out of Rainstar's wrath. "No!" she squeaked wrinking her nose. "No, i'm not!" He's too old! she added in her head. Dawnflower, Russetclaw, Rainstar, and even Cinderkit were letting out mrrows of laughter. WIllowkit secretly enjoyed amusing all her friends. Clearly, CInderkit had still wanted all the attention. 
"Look at me!" she wriggled her hindlegs and dropped into a hunting crouch. Purring with delight, she sat back up, head high in the air. Rainstar's eyes glittered with surprise, Before he could reply, Russetclaw spoke.
"That was amazing!" he exclaimed. "I can already tell you'll be the best hunter in the clan!" WIllowkit felt envy bubbling in her throat, but quickly pushed it away with shame. She's my sister! she scolded herself. You shouldn't feel this way! She sat up straighter. She would have to prove to them that she would be a great ThunderClan warrior. She puffed out her chest with pride.
"Me too!" she insisted. Her mother purred in amusement. "Of course." she fondly gazed at Stormfang, who was sitting nearby, gnarfing down a shrew. "Any kit of his is bound to be." Willowkit thought she imagined Rainstar stiffen next to him. Did the leader love Dawnflower? She shook off the thought. No way! Willowkit was suddenly curious. "Is Stormfang my father?" she asked Dawnflower.
"Yes," she responded, pirde for her mate oozing into her meow. Eww. she crinkled her nose. SHe would never moonover any cat like Dawnflower had. As if on cue, Stormfang had begun padding towards them. Dawnflower quickly pressed her stomach to the ground and hissed to Willowkit and Cinderkit, who's ears were pricked toward him. 
"Quick!" she murmured. "Groom your fur!" she began deliberately licking them fiercely, but she was a bit too late. "It's all right, Dawnflower. I'm fine with how they are now." his deep mew echoed across the clearing. Stormfang was also popular, who was described to be second choice for deputy. Morningcreek, the medicine cat, supposedly had and omen and demanded for Russetclaw to become deputy.
"You're father also hsa excellent hearing," she muttered. Willowkit noticed another small cat next to her father. Stormkit! Finally she had the chance to talk to her brother!

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