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"C'mon Killua! Come play!" Kayano begged, dragging him over to an arcade machine. He growled, "no!" then Karma smirked. "how about a bet little dove?" he paused, glancing over in his direction, "a bet you say?" that peeked his interest. Nagisa and Sugino also looked over from where they were watching Kanzaki wipe the floor in one of the arcade games. For some reason they stayed in their little group even though they were back at the hotel. "if you can beat Kanzaki's score, I'll give you a hundred bucks" he thought on that for a moment. I could buy so much candy with that money. "but if you lose" Karma said, with a grin. "then you have to share your candy with the entire class" he snorted. "bet" he sat down at one of the arcade games and quickly went over the rules, then started mashing buttons. Now, while it was in fact 'button mashing' he also knew what he was doing. Candy here I come.

He was on a roll, Kanzaki had failed and gotten 20960 points. He was currently at 20258 points and still going. "wow, didn't think he'd be this good" Sugino admitted. He shot a glare at him over his shoulder, "fuck you curve ball!" although he didn't say it with venom in his voice, he turned back and kept mashing the buttons. "little dove has quite a temper" he quickly removed one of his hands to flip him off. "fuck off strawberry!" then he brought it back and continued mashing while moving that joystick. "ouch" Nagisa put a hand on his shoulder. "maybe you should-" he hissed, narrowly missing his death and rerouting himself. "don't tell me what to do blueberry!" he blinked. "I just noticed, you never really use our names. Do you even know them?" he scoffed, yanking on the joystick a little. "I'm not stupid. It happens when I'm mad, or when I just feel like it" suddenly he got sneak attacked and lost at 20905 points. "GODDAMN IT!" he yelled, standing up and slamming his hands into the machine.

Suddenly the screen when black and he paused, then lifted his hands. Shit. He had accidently made a dent in the game, it was only a half inch deep but it was still pretty big. He also was pretty sure he unconsciously activated his Hatsu and fried the game as well. "Shit" Karma put a finger to the hole and blinked. "your pretty strong" he heard footsteps and tensed, only to glance over his shoulder at Karasuma. "what's all this noise-" he paused, then blinked down at the wrecked game. "what the hell happened here?" he rubbed the back of his head. "uhhh... I got a little too competitive and broke the machine on accident" he admitted. Karasuma glanced at the arcade game, then at him. "you and me are having a talk, I'll get it fixed" nobody else spoke to him, he was presumably in trouble. Well, then Karma said something. "the bet's still on, you lost" he growled over his shoulder and was about to open his mouth when he was led into a room and the door was closed.

"Killua, I want you to be honest with me" he blinked, then sat down. " 'bout what?" he sighed. "how strong exactly are you" well fuck. "what do you mean?" he asked, keeping a level uninterested expression. Karasuma put his elbows on the table and locked his fingers together. "don't play dumb with me, I know you're not from here." oh yeah, he was there when I fell from the sky. "so?" he asked cooly. Karasuma narrowed his eyes slightly. "I know your pretending to be weaker to fit in, I just want to know your full capabilities" he sighed, then stood up. "well. I'm gonna start by saying that at home the door to walk in weighs about a ton" his eyes widened slightly. "you can push a ton?" a few actually, but I'm not giving everything away. "knocked down trees before when I'm particularly mad or upset" he admitted. "if you're so strong, then why don't you participate in the assassinations?" he shrugged. "let the others have some fun, this is a once in a lifetime experience for them"

Karasuma stiffened. "are you saying..." he grinned. "why yes, I am. Why the hell would a random kid agree to kill some sort of creature on a whim?" he said, slipping his knife out of its pocket sheath and twirling it between his fingers. Karasuma looked surprised to say the least. "just to make things clear, your saying that you've already been trained to be an assassin?" he snorted. "I'm retired actually" Killua smirked. "excuse me?" he chuckled. "started my training at three, worked from age ten to thirteen, that's when I retired officially" Karasuma's usually calm expression turned horrified. "trained that young?" he shrugged. "it was the family business, I didn't really get a choice at the time to be honest" he scowled just thinking about his godawful family. "since I'm talking about it, might as well take the chance to explain my shitty family" he said, sitting down with his hands behind his head. "four siblings, three of them are bitches. Piggy stays in his room and does some shit with computers, doesn't really assassinate people all that much" he shifted slightly. "Kalluto's a little rat and joined the phantom troupe" he spat, Killua was furious that he joined the group of people who murdered Kurapika's clan.

"Illumi..." he trailed off for a second, biting his lip. "he's scary as hell and also wants to kill Alluka, who is my little sister" he muttered, glaring in a random direction. "and Alluka's the only kid in that house not trained to kill as far as I know, instead she's locked up in a room because she's 'dangerous' " he said, making air quotes and rolling his eyes. "and then there's mother and father" he frowned slightly. "mother obsesses over me, has such high hopes. 'oh my little Killua's gonna be the best assassin in the history of the Zoldycks' " he mocked. He sighed. "yeah she had a mental breakdown when I said I didn't want to be an assassin anymore" Karasuma cleared his throat and he glanced up. "hm?" he unlocked his fingers and rested his hands on the table. "are people where your from strong like you as well?" he blinked. "well I'm actually considered a prodigy, because of how young I achieved my power" then he rubbed the back of his head. "so I'm going to tell you this just because I'm being honest here, but I'm actually only thirteen" he blinked in surprise, then huffed. "that explains why you're so short"

Killua stiffened, shooting a glare at him. "I'm not fucking short!" he collected himself, then thought for a moment. "but I guess there are many people who have also achieved an inhuman level power, those people tend to become hunters" he slipped the hunter's license back out of his bag. "in order to become a hunter you have to pass the hunter's exam. It has a few phases, such as an 80 Kilometer run without stopping and jumping off a cliff to get spider eagle eggs" then he grinned. "also trick tower, you had to fight on a 1 on 1 with wanted criminals who had over a hundred years in prison" he sighed. "I was against a serial killer, who proposed a death match" he crossed his legs. "you seem at ease talking about this kind of thing" Karasuma observed. He shrugged, "if you were exposed to murder and dead bodies since you were three, wouldn't you be the same?" then he tapped a finger on the table. "but if you're as good as you say you are, why don't you just kill him and save the earth?"

He bit his lip. "I don't like killing people" he said, looking away. "usually when I tell people about my family or about my job... they call me a murderer or a monster. Or they just don't believe me" he rubbed the back of his head. "people tend to think that I enjoy what I do, but that's not the case" he said quietly. Sometimes I wish I could have just been normal. "there's only one person who didn't really judge me for who I was" he said, fighting the urge to cry just thinking about his best friend. "he was my first and only friend..." he trailed off, wiping his eyes. Killua was silent for a few seconds, then laughed bitterly. "but who would want to be friends with someone like me?" Karasuma stood up and walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"there are plenty of assassins-" he shrugged off the hand with a growl. "you don't understand!" he turned away, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I've killed so many people. of all ages and backgrounds, innocent people. And not just ten or twenty, I'm talking hundreds of people." he said, voice shaking slightly. "and that was by the age of twelve" Killua felt a hand on his head and glanced up at Karasuma's face. "being an assassin doesn't make you a bad person" he said, looking Killua right in the eye. "and what I'm sure of, is that nobody in that classroom will judge you for having experience" he chuckled a little. "they might even raise you in a higher standard, take notice of you more." he wiped his eyes again. Will they really? "all of these children are outcasts, thrown away for having 'issues' that make them not worthy to be part of the student body" he ruffled Killua's hair a little. "I think you fit in here more than you realize"

1630 words

To be continued...

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