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Gon couldn't follow the class at all, instead he traced the lines of the frogs on his desk. I wonder who sits here, what did they do to get suspended? He guessed suspended meant they couldn't come to school for a day or two. "alright class, let's take it outside!" Gon leapt out of his seat, then blinked over at Ritsu. "what do you do during this time?" he asked curiously. She smiled, "I go to one of my classmate's phones and watch" cool! He slipped passed some people, a few tried to speak to him but he ignored them. Gon wanted to get outside before he talked to anyone else. As soon as he was outside he saw a flat clearing. "aw man, no trees?" then he spotted one pretty close to the flat space and ran over. "Gon? Where are you going!" someone yelled. He ignored them and bounced over to the tree, then quickly climbed up like a squirrel. He heard footsteps and looked down to see a girl with curly orange hair, Kayano, Rio, a girl with a brown ponytail, and a girl with glasses and pigtails. The girl with the orange hair smiled and started climbing up as well, although not as quickly.

He held a hand out to help her and she grabbed it, so he hauled her up next to him. "you made that look so easy" Rio said, he blinked. "well I lived in a forest most of my life" he said, then crawled up to the higher branches. "well, my name's Hinano!" the curly haired girl said. "Kataoka" the girl with the ponytail added. "I'm Yada" another girl said, as she walked over. Suddenly it felt like every single girl in the class was next to the tree and introduced themselves. He glanced around, but didn't see any boys. "where are all the other boys? Not that there's anything wrong with girls but where did they all go?" just as he spoke. Nagisa came into view. "Korosensei says everybody needs to come back for P.E" he frowned slightly. "I just wanted to climb a tree" he shrugged, then all the girls started to walk away. He waited until most of them cleared the area, then leapt down. "Woah!" Hinano exclaimed. He looked back up at her in the tree. "huh?" she pointed down at him. "you jump like a frog!" he beamed. "my friend always says that, come on down!"

She looked unsure of herself, "I dunno, this one's pretty high up-" Gon leapt back up into the tree and grabbed her hand. "come on!" he said, then leapt back down. "Ack!" he landed, then let go. "c'mon, I don't wanna miss P.E! it sounds fun!" he said, then started running over to where the rest of the class was. They were in groups of two and doing situps. Gon saw how they were holding each other's feet for stability, but he didn't need that. So Gon walked over and tapped Mr. Karasuma's shoulder. "how many do I need to do?" he asked. He thought for a moment, "well the class is doing sixty-" he beamed. "I'll do twice that!" he said eagerly, a few people looked at him skeptically but he bounced away and took his spot next to Nagisa, Rio, Kayano, and Hinano. "don't you need a part-" Gon waved Kayano off. "I got this!" he said, then started doing situps. "1, 2, 3, 4-" he kept going, most people had finished and were now just watching. "115,116,117,118,119,120!" he leapt up after the last one and beamed. "what's next?"

Then people started clapping. Gon jumped, then glanced around in confusion. What did I do? Then Karasuma interrupted them. "alright, next is pushups-" Gon dropped down and started counting, the other kids did it a lot slower, P.E class was so fun! He actually only finished about thirty seconds after the rest of them even though he did twice as much, and after he was done he wiped a little bit of sweat off his forehead. "are you even tired yet?" Rio asked. He shrugged, "I mean a little, but I can keep going" he responded. "what are we doing next?" he asked the P.E teacher. Mr. Karasuma sighed, "the class can work on combat skills or something-" Gon's eyes widened. "combat?" a few people looked kind of alarmed, but he ignored them and beamed. "please please please can I do it too?" he was practically vibrating with excitement, some of his new classmates appeared to be slightly concerned. "if you want to I guess?"

He squealed, then noticed everybody had already broken off into groups. He thought for a moment, then looked back over at the P.E teacher. "everybody's already gotten into groups, can I spar with you?" he shrugged. "sure, I've got nothing better to do-" Gon giggled and aimed a punch at him. Karasuma dodged by moving to the side and putting his hand on the top of his arm. Interesting. So he aimed a variety of kicks and punches to see how he dealt with them, and then tried to figure out how to get passed his defense. He's so fast, and I don't want to give away how strong I am just yet. None of these people are really experienced, this guy's the strongest one here. Well, unless Korosensei secretly had some sort of hidden power. So he pretended to slip up a little, and Karasuma went in for an attack. He ducked under it and sprung forward, barreling into his chest. "Aha!"

But he didn't fall down like Gon was planning, instead he was flipped over his shoulder and landed hard on his back with a thump. His arms and legs splayed out and he was panting. "aw man! I was so close!" he sat up and blinked around at the people who were now staring. "huh?" Karasuma held out a hand to help him up and he took it. "Woah! He landed a hit on Mr. Karasuma!" Hinano said. Gon was confused again. "I failed though" Kayano came over with a smile. "but nobody's been able to land such a solid hit on him yet!" was what I did really that impressive? "that was really cool!" Yada added, suddenly he was crowded with the girls again. Ok, but do none of the boys like me? "why does he get all the girls' attention?" someone muttered. Rio shot a look over her shoulder. "because he's not a pervert! Gon is sweet and adorable!" the other girls agreed but he was confused. "uhh ok?"

"can I give you a hug?" Hara asked. Gon beamed. "sure!" he gave her a hug, then a few seconds later he got hugged by someone else. "hey I want one too!" Hinano yelled. Are they fighting over who can hug me first? This sometimes happened, where a group of people tried to get his attention all at once. He crossed his arms. "hey! One at a time! Everybody can get a hug if they want but stop fighting!" he went around hugging everybody, forgetting who he had already gotten to before. It took about 55 seconds to do them all, and then the girls started to disperse, talking to each other. He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. That was confusing- "hey!" he glanced over his shoulder as some of the guys came over to him. "Oh hi!" he turned to face them. "how are you so good with girls?" one of them asked. Gon blinked. "well I guess I'm just good with people?" then one of the guys held a hand out. "I'm Isogai" he smiled. "hi" a few of the other guys introduced themselves as well when Sugino spoke. "this might be a little weird, but can I get a hug? I saw you were giving the girls hugs..." he trailed off, and a few people started to snicker at him.

I don't see why not. He gave Sugino a hug and the snickering stopped, "why not?" he smiled down at him as he hugged back. I like making people happy. So he beamed at the other guys, "if anyone else wants a hug I don't mind" he got a few more hugs, and then noticed that the Karma guy was standing all alone and leaning on a tree. He needs friends! So Gon dropped out of the conversation and bounced over to him. "Hi!" he blinked. "hello?" Gon smiled. "I noticed you standing here all alone-" one of the girls ran over, he glanced backwards to see it was Rio. "hey Gon, I suggest not hanging out with him. He's a troublemaker." Gon blinked. "so? Everybody needs friends!" Karma frowned slightly. "I do have friends" he blinked again. "then why are you out here all alone?" he paused for a moment. "planning murder" is he being serious? Or is he joking. "I can't tell if that's joking or not, just make sure to hide the body" Karma started in surprise and nearly fell off the tree he was leaning on. "I'm sorry, what?" he shrugged. "if you are planning murder you should hide the body. You know, so you don't get caught"

There was dead silence for a few seconds, then Korosensei came out. "alright class, fun time's over! Time for more lessons!" Gon groaned. "Noo! I'm so lost in class" he pouted, then grabbed Karma's hand. "let's go!" he said, then proceeded to drag him. He tried to protest, but Gon ignored him until they got into the back row of the classroom. "let go of me!" he finally obliged, then bounced over to his seat. Gon swung his legs, trying to find something to do.

1614 words 

To be continued...

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