I'm Coming Home {Chapter 9}

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Vincent's P.O.V (A/N Thanks again for over 300! I just can't believe it! I just can't...)

I'm tired.
I'm hungry.
I'm thirsty.
I'm missing Y/N.

The cops haven't found me yet, and I was nervous to know what would happen when they did. I've been always moving, never stopping, I wanted to get to Y/N as soon as possible.

I wonder if she misses me.
I wonder what she's doing.

I always felt active, I made myself think of the worst possible scenarios. Did Y/N kill herself? Did she find a new man? Did she go back to that bastard? It kept me going. I was in love with Y/N, that's what kept me going, plus the ongoing sound of cops yelling and sirens.

The moon had risen, I hit deep into the woods, and dug underneath the trunk of a tree, I lashed in there and built an escape tunnel, just in case. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Depression would strike over me. I would close my eyes and see the 5 children just staring at me with deadly glares. I regretted it, but at the same time, it felt good. I didn't want Y/N to know I was insane. She probably wouldn't date me if she knew I was. I felt my eyes burn. I gazed at myself in the reflection of my knife, I licked off the blood, and stared at my creepy smile until I could finally fall asleep.

The cops finally came, they noticed the knife in my hand and thought it was me, I told them it wasn't, and they somehow believed me. They asked if there was anyone I could go to. But I lied and said no. I didn't want to live with my dad, not knowing of what he had done, it might not have been him, but I still wasn't going to live under the same roof as him. So I was brought into a foster home, where I was immediately bullied. My fingers had turned purple, and they all thought I was weird. There was this one boy, Jack, he always questioned me and made fun of me. One day, my whole left arm was purple, and I was sick and tired of Jack asking questions then making fun of me. He told me one day that no one would ever love me, and my mother deserved to die. That day, something snapped in me, I realized people here were jerks, especially Jack. I opened up my window, and picked up Jack, he questioned what I was doing but I ignored him. He screamed and tried to get away but the anger inside of me made me much stronger than him. I then threw him out of the 3 story building, to hear a big SPLAT! I closed the window to see one of the volunteers there confront me. They looked at my purple arm, and immediately took me to the hospital. As she was driving, my right arm began turning purple, I was scared. What's happening to me? I had flashbacks of what I saw in the mirror. I was turning into that guy.

I was turning different...

I woke up startled, hitting my head off the trunk of the tree. I crawled out and I noticed something. I know where I was! I jumped in joy! I ran towards the pizzeria and began heading for Y/N's house, I couldn't wait to see her!

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading Chapter 9. Sorry if it's short, that's all I want to say. Comment if there's any mistakes or you just want to and I'll write some more! Hope you enjoyed!
-ThatOneFanfictioner ◕ ◡ ◕

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