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"Zain!" Harry calls as soon as Zain steps out of the doors, hopping slightly. It's like a déjà vu. 

"Your friend, huh?" Tamal teases, clapping Zain's back. "See you tomorrow."

"See you," Zain echoes, crossing the street towards Harry. "Hi."

"Hi," Harry smiles, kissing Zain. "I thought I'd pick you up because we have to be at the pub so soon and I thought you might want to shower and have a snack. We can have cheesy chips later."

"Gotten the taste of it, hm?" Zain asks, cupping Harry's cheek and kissing him again. "Thanks, love."

"You're very welcome," Harry says, sliding into the driver's seat. "Cheesy chips are nice. And I didn't break out too badly last time, so it should be fine. If you don't mind."

"If I don't mind what?" Zain yawns, closing his eyes as he sags into the carseat. Somehow, they were way too comfortable and Harry always put on the seat heater. 

"If I break out," Harry says, fiddling with the music to change it from the Spice Girls to something more mellow. 

"Why would I?" Zain yawns again, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind Harry's hair. He feels drunk with exhaustion and hunger. A snack would be good. He's not sure how he managed before Harry came alone to cluck over him but he must have somehow.

"You always look pretty," he says sleepily, stroking his fingers over Harry's soft skin. "Even when you had that big red pimple on your forehead you tried to hide."

"You aren't supposed to mention that!" Harry scolds him. "That's not polite."

"Sorry, princess," Zain yawns.

"Are you very tired?" Harry asks, shooting him a worried look and reaching out to take Zain's hand. "We can stay in instead. I can cook something."

"Nah," Zain says because Harry had been excited ever since Hannah had invited them. "I'm just relaxing a bit."

"Okay," Harry nods. "But you'll tell me?"

"I'll tell you," Zain nods, yawning again and straightening slightly when they pull into the garage. "What's the snack?"

"Lentil salad," Harry says, parking smoothly. "Something healthy before all that salt and fat later."

"Kay," Zain nods, leaning across the gear shift to kiss Harry's soft cheek. "Thank you for picking me up."

"Of course," Harry smiles, softening somehow.


"This is so exciting," Harry says, skipping beside Zain like they weren't going to the second cheapest pub in town, both of his hands clutching Zain's arm. "I've never been to a pub quiz."

"I know, love," Zain says, again, watching Harry smile. It was worth dragging himself outside again.

"Oh, there is Louis!" Harry says, waving his hand and waving. "Hi!"

Louis shoots Zain a look, sucking on his cigarette before nodding at Harry. "Hi," he greets, sounding amused. "The others are already arguing about the name," he adds, looking at Zain. "I'll be right in."

"Sure," Zain nods. "He's gotta text his girlfriend," he adds to Harry, making sure Louis can hear. "That he likes to pretend he doesn't have around us."

"Shut up," Louis says. 

"It's a secret because he's scared he'll ruin it," Zain adds to Harry, grinning at Louis. "See you inside."

"He has a girlfriend?" Harry whispers, pressing close, as Zain pulls him through the throng of people cueing for the bar and fighting over the best seats.

"Yea," Zain whispers back, amused that Harry was taking it so seriously. "It's new so he's nervous."

"Oh," Harry nods, hiding slightly behind Zain as they stop next to the table. It was cute that he was shy now. 

"Hey," Zain says and they stop arguing and look up.

"Harry!" Hannah smiles. "Agree with me."

"What?" Harry asks, shooting Zain a look.

"Don't look at Zain," Hannah says immediately, "he has shit taste in names."

"Yea, thanks," Zain says. "I'm getting us drinks. You coming, love, or you want cider?" he adds, offering Harry an out.

Harry hesitates for a moment before squaring his shoulders. "Cider, yea," he says and slides into the booth next to Alun, leaning forward to frown at the name someone has already scribbled on their sign up sheet.


"Rome! Rome!" Harry yells, leaning forward and halfway across the table. 

"You sure?" Alun asks, mostly to tease.

"Yes, yes," Harry says, completely missing the undertone - not used to Alun yet. "I've been there with my sister," he adds, reaching back to grab at Zain. "Tell them, Zain."

Zain grins at Alun, who's already writing anyways, and catches Harry around the waist, easing him back into his seat. "He was just teasing, babe," Zain says, kissing his cheek.

"Shush," Harry demands, straightening like it will make him understand the next question better.

"How many of Henry VIII's wives were called Catherine?" is repeated twice. 

Louis groans. "So bad at history," he mutters to Zain which is about how Zain is feeling. Harry's busy muttering "Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour," and counting on his fingers. 

"Three!" he exclaims just as Hannah does and she shoots him a grin.

"He's very into it," Louis says quietly, not paying attention as soon as the questions turns out to not be about football.

"Competitive, I think," Zain says, stroking his fingertips over Harry's back when Harry leans forward again to make sure Alun is writing the correct answer. 

Louis shrugs. "We're doing better than last time, I think," he yawns, taking a sip of his beer.

"Maybe," Zain shrugs, saving Harry's glass from spilling when he starts grabbling for the pen in Alun's hand. "Who knows."

"I know," Louis says, self-assured. "He's got like 5 answers none of us would have even considered answering."

"True," Zain yawns, wincing when Harry sits back and knocks his elbow into Zain.

"Sorry, darling," Harry says distractedly, brushing a kiss to Zain's mouth and then immediately turning back to the front when the next question gets called.

"Looks like you'll have to give up your Thursday evenings," Louis says, nudging Zain with an eyebrow waggle.

"Yea," Zain nods, stroking his thumb over Harry's waist. 


"I can come again next week," Harry tells Zain again, slipping into bed beside him. "Hannah said, I should. And she says she's going to do a karaoke party before Christmas, and she says I should come to that as well."

Zain grunts, too tired to do anything, turning his face into Harry's hair when he slides right against Zain, hooking his leg over Zain's. 

He's probably wearing one of his nightshirts that always ride up and show off his pretty legs and Zain can't even appreciate it because his eyes can't even focus when he opens them. 

"I'll wake you for breakfast tomorrow," Harry says, still keyed up and happy, but not demanding Zain match his energy. He was perfect. "And I'll drive you to work so you can sleep longer. Sleep well."

Zain grunts again, squeezing the closest part of Harry, which was his arm and falls asleep before he can do anything else.


you probably wanted smut. nuhuh, we're developing their relationship instead... or something

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