The confession- part one

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Yaz's POV:

'She likes you.' 

'I like her too?'

I walked forward, my feet dragged along the cold floor of whatever storage place this was. I could just about hear Dan and The Doc talking so I stopped and took a few paces back.

'No, I mean... she likes you.'

My ears burned at the statement. I half expected The Doctor to run up to me and tell me to stop travelling with her. I ducked behind one of the boxes in the room as a bead of sweat ran down my forehead. 

 'I don't understand what you're saying, Dan.'

I felt my body relax slightly, hoping she wasn't faking her confusion. I think this may have been the one and only time I have ever been relieved that The Doctor doesn't understand humans as much as she would like to. 

'I think you do. But for some reason you pretend to me, and to her, that you don't.'

And we're back to square one. Thanks Scouse.

I ran forward, making sure they couldn't see me. I needed to get Sarah and Nick as quickly as I could. We needed to make it to midnight and as much as I felt like my own stomach was doing a gymnastics routine, I couldn't let that get in the way. Peoples' lives were at stake. 

'You two. Come on. Out of time.' 

'But this is the plan.' Nick replied.

'Basement, now!'

I trundled down the corridors leading to the basement. A very confused Sarah and Nick following behind me. I was nearly as puzzled as they were. 

'Ah, great. Well done!' The Doctor exclaimed.

If my stomach felt like it was doing a gymnastics routine before, it was competing in the Olympics now, after the small praise from The Doc. There's no way she feels the same. It wouldn't make sense? A time-travelling alien who has an infinite spaceship, is over 2000 years old, sorts out fair play throughout the universe and has two hearts- in love with me. A boring human from Sheffield who sorts fair play throughout the local street parking disputes. Yeah I get it why they call it a 'crush' now. 

'Why has the plan changed?' asked Sarah- we were all wondering the same.

'The plan hasn't changed.' replied The Doctor

'Are those fireworks in those boxes? Jeff.' growled a slightly threatening Sarah. 

'If we're to stand the best chance, we need to be one loop smarter than them. The Daleks will learn based on the information we give them in the whole of the next loop. That last-but-one loop becomes a decoy loop.' The Doc explained.

'So, give them false information to change what they predict.' exclaimed Dan after he caught on.

'Bingo. Decoy plan. You know the plan, do the opposite soon as it resets. Then when it resets for the final minute, we will have the narrowest of narrow precious advantages.'

Remind me to never let her pep talk me in a life or death situation. Her speech earlier was pretty good though. 

Soon enough a dalek showed up and exterminated us all. No biggie it's only happened about 5 times already. Not going to lie, being on a beach would've been much better than being repeatedly exterminated by a dalek. But ah well- you can't have everything.

So now it was our last loop before we actually died. I watched as The Doctor set up her plan to destroy them. I just really hope Sarah's mum has a better sense of timing than The Doc herself. 

'Go, I'll be right behind you. Go! I haven't seen this much gunpowder since 1605.'

I glanced back at her. Why does she have to keep nearly dying? I really wish we were at the beach now. 

It was only a few seconds later when a familiar voice shouted through the air:

'Everybody get clear! Get down!'

The Doctor's POV:

I crouched behind a random object outside and turned my back. The building behind me exploded. My plan had worked. Phew! Trust a few- well I say a few, I mean about 30- fireworks to save us from imminent death. 

I got up and watched as the display of flashing lights illuminated Manchester's ebony sky. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Sarah and Nick staring into each other's eyes. Full of that warm, human love. I looked at my human. No she's not mine shut up Doctor. The smile on my face that I wore disappeared fast as I realised she wasn't looking back at me. Why would she? She is Yasmin Khan after all. She's too pretty and kind and... URGH, STOP. IT.

I lead everyone back to the TARDIS.

'Ah, look at you. It's so much better. Thanks for looking after us. If you did. Quite mysterious, really.' I said with the usual enthusiasm. 

I glanced over to the console and met Yaz's brown eyes. I felt my whole body burn up and my hearts increase speed. 

'What did you mean, when you said your actions were catching up with you?'  asked Yaz.

'Nothing. Nothing. I don't remember. I say lots of things. We all say lots of things we don't mean.' I hastily replied. I really do need to work on the excuses.

'And some we do.' said Dan chipping in.

Not the time Dan. Really couldn't have been much worse timing. Apart from that one time when I brought a piece of a dalek onto a dalek spaceshi.... anyway I'm going off on one.

'Dan could you go looking for the swimming pool? I need to make sure it's still in the library.'

'You what?! You have a swimming pool in the library? Is she joking Yaz..? Are you joking?'

'Nope, sorry Dan.'

Yaz sighed followed moments later by her laughing so much she nearly cried. Eventually, she stopped. I checked to make sure Dan was out of sight. Deep breaths Doctor.


'Huh, oh sorry yes Yaz?'

'Erm... I need to tell you-'

'I know, Dan told me while we were setting up the fireworks.'

'Yeah I heard him, I was hiding behind one of the boxes. Wait, so you do understand then?'

Crap. Ok play it cool Doctor. 

'Wha-no! I- erm- I- I don't-'

Wow. Well done Doctor wasn't that a fail.

'Okay I sorta have an idea' I admitted.

'Doctor- do you or do you not know what it means?'

'No, not really?' I lied.

'Doc.... I love you'

My breath caught in my throat. Yaz... Yaz loved me? But how? I mean she's so perfect. Her hair is smooth, her eyes are warm, her voice is gentle. She is just-

'Erm Doc? You know your saying that out loud'


Suddenly, Yaz moved towards me, so swiftly that I wasn't even processing she was kissing me. 

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