The Confession Part Two

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Yaz's POV:

I mentally readied myself to kiss her. I leaned forwards. Fireworks exploded as we connected. Her lips were even softer than I imagined. She smelled of engine oil and custard creams. But... she stood there, paralysed. 

I quickly pulled away once I realised she wasn't kissing me back. Maybe I had misunderstood what The Doctor said? She looked like a deer in headlights when I stopped. I was starting to worry. The words of an apology tumbled out of my mouth in panic.

'I-erm-sorry I-'

I couldn't  finish the sentence, she pulled me in with my leather jacket. I kissed her and she was kissing me back. I had dreamt of this for longer than I remember.  Her blonde hair fell in my face. I ran a finger through her hair and tucked it behind her ear. She pulled out for a second.

'Yaz..' she whispered as her lips met mine.

She pushed me backwards, moving her body so it was connected with mine. I pulled her coat towards the back of the console room and she quickly caught on. She wrapped her fingers around my hand and held it to the wall. I used my other to tug the rest of her coat off. She did the same to my leather jacket. I moved my hand to her once mustard yellow braces. They were now blue in colour- similar to the blue of an ocean. I slipped them over her shoulders and began sliding them down her arms. 

'Yaz. My Yaz' The Doctor whispered again.

'I've waited so long for this... you good-hearted weirdo.'


'Pipe down, and yes. You really don't get hints do you.'

'Whoops, sorry.' she said with a goofy grin.

'Oi stop teasing or you'll regret it' 

She looked into my eyes and smirked. Her finger running down my jaw.

'I mean it' I warned.

'Oh yeah?'.

I dropped her braces to the ground and punched her lightly. She adorably tilted her head. She always does that when she doesn't understand human behaviour. 


'Yes Doctor?'

'Why did you hit me?' She asked with a twinkle of sadness in her eyes.

'I'm teasing you back' I replied.

'Oh. Well in that case...'

She pinned my other arm to the wall and pushed me even further back. Every time her body touched mine it sent sparks through me like electricity. She played with my hair as she opened my mouth. Her tongue lightly dancing with mine. 

Dan's POV :

I walked past the many metal grids coating the walls of the TARDIS, I had managed to find the swimming pool that was indeed in the library. Trust The Doc to manage that. I retraced my steps back to the console room. 

I was about to open my mouth to tell her that the swimming pool was still there, but I shut it quickly when I saw them. Yaz was pinned against the wall with The Doctor running her hands through her hair. I allowed myself a small smirk and walked back to the library to find some more books. I thought I would leave the bedroom corridor free.. just in case. 

About half an hour later, the two of them were walking hand in hand around the TARDIS. 

'Oh hey guys' I said casually.

'Oh erm hey Dan, you didn't happen to enter the console room in the last 30 minutes did you?'

'No, why?' I replied, trying to conceal a laugh

Yaz nudged The Doc in her side, pretty hard judging by the wince that followed.

'Oh no reason' Yaz answered, clearly trying to cover up for the two of them.

I couldn't help it anymore. I snickered supposedly under my breath but the other two caught on. Both their faces looking as red as tomatoes.

'Okay, maybe I did walk in after I found the swimming pool. Oh by the way, it is in your library Doc.'

'Oh..' both of them said in unison

'Yeah, I walked back in here when I saw you too though. Took you damn long enough. Didn't expect Yaz to be the one pinned to the wall if I'm gonna be honest. Thought that would be you Doc.'

'Oi, I am very much in charge when I need to be.'

'Oh so your a top?' I teased.

'Oh shut it scouse.'

'Never Sheffield.'

I swear I'm never gonna let these two forget this, especially Yaz. I'm gonna write jokes on her pancakes when she has breakfast, and stick posters of the Doc all over her room. Actually I should save that one for Aprils fools day. Haha that's gonna be fun. They should call me Evil Dan. 

'Ya know Sheffield, that pair of handcuffs you always carry as part of your police uniform might finally come in handy.' 

'Sorry?' said a flustered Yaz.

'Wait you have handcuffs?' asked The Doc.

'DOCTOR?!!' shouted Yaz


'You really are innocent aren't you?' I teased again.

Once I had finished embarrassing them, I walked to the cinema room to grab some blankets. I still hadn't finished decorating my room yet. I needed a Liverpool flag, some mugs, a coffee machine and a desk lamp. I usually find stuff littered around the TARDIS. The Doc says I can have what I want. I wonder what her room looks like. Or should I call it The Doc's and Yaz's, considering how much time they would be spending in there..

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