PG-13 rated werewolf story

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So, I love the idea of werewolves and mates and such, but they are always made too sexual for my taste.

I want a good story with werewolves that doesn't go 0-100 quite so fast.

Give me more on how they are actually different, despite being mates, and how they choose to grow together and towards each other.

Give me a story where the guy isn't a dick, but maybe he doesn't always remember to think things through completely... thus, accidentally hurting her feelings. How do they grow from that? Is she always hurt by the things he says? Or does she choose to remember that he doesn't always mean it how it sounds.

Feelings aren't reliable, and so I think it shows maturity for a couple to look at their flaws and choose to improve them. Helping each other to improve. Holding each other accountable, while also remembering to be merciful and loving.

Give me a man who is secure in himself as a man, but maybe doesn't have to be made out to be "the most macho" Man.

I want a man, not an asshole.

Give me a woman who recognizes her insecurities and understands that she needs to grow and change her flaws as well. Women aren't immune to flaws. And personality flaws aren't cool, it only means that person is immature and can't grow past their flaws.

Give me a story where the mates disagree on things and they have to either compromise, or accept that the man has the right to make the decision. If he's not dumb, she should trust that he's not going to make dumb decisions.
Just like he ought to hear her out and give real thought to her thoughts and feelings.

A strong couple is willing to work together.

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