My Girl

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My head hurt so bad, at first I was confused as to why, but when I opened my eyes and saw the beautiful man I was laying on it all came back. I realized that I had to go, like fucking immediately, I loved him I didn't want to be kicked out. Oh my god, he thinks I'm a slut. No, no, no. I slowly got up off of him, feeling weak and frail, trying not to wake him. I found my jeans, hoodie, and shoes. I also found my panties but they were destroyed, I didn't want to waste too much looking for my bra since I really needed to go. I got dressed as quickly as I could manage and left.

I wandered, not knowing the area. It felt like I was going in circles and it was taking forever, turning corners, every block looked the exact fucking same. I was lightheaded, my head throbbed as well. Finally, the highway, I was getting somewhere, but I had no idea where I was. I walked and walked until I got dizzy.

Bert's POV
I woke up with a slight smile, only to be disappointed when I turned around. JJ left.
I thought she liked me, whatever, it's fine, I'm not upset. I laid down for a few more minutes then checked the time on my clock that sits underneath my bed. I missed her, I really fucking did, it hurt me that she'd fuck and leave, I just, I just thought we could have been or had something. I got up and started searching for my cigarettes since I wanted to go to my friend Gerard's house, I'm out of booze and low on pills. When I was looking under my pillow I saw a familiar black bra, it tugged at my heart. I put the bra under my bed and continued looking for them, once I found them I put on some cargo shorts and a random shirt. I left, still thinking about JJ, she's so beautiful; the way her long eyelashes drape over her pretty ass eyes or the way she smile and her smiley piercing shows. I love the way her mouth moves when she talk and the way her vertical labret is so perfectly centered with her beautiful ass face. she fidgets with her septum piercing when she's thinking of what to say, she thinks a ton. I just wish she felt the same about me.

I texted G, letting him know I was on my way as I locked my front door. Gerard lives a little far, so I have to go on the highway. I got in my car, still thinking about JJ, I really AM pathetic. Why am I like this, I haven't even met the girl 24 hours ago, I loathe myself.
I put a random cd in my player then started the ignition.

When driving on the highway, it just didn't feel right, something felt fucking off. No idea why, then I saw it.

It looked like a corpse, whatever, it's not the best neighborhood. After looking for a little bit longer, I realized, it was my girl, JJ. I panicked, slammed on brakes (causing a traffic jam) and tripped trying to get out of the car. I ran, faster than my brain worked.
As I heard everyone honking their horns I checked to see if their heart was beating. It was. I sighed in motherfucking relief.

I wiped my tears before re-starting the car. We were on our way to the nearest hospital, which, thankfully isn't that far. I sped, going faster than I had ever, every now and then taking a glance at them. We were almost there, almost.

Finally, I was driving up the ramps and shit to get to the parking lot. I got out of the car, not bothering to lock the door, I got JJ out of the car and carried her lifeless seeming body into the emergency room. I started crying again, thinking the worst.

"Help me, Help me, I don't know what happened, I NEED help!" The lady behind the desk nodded and somebody rolled a stretcher my way. I delicately placed her thin body onto the top. I followed the man that was rolling her to a room, still crying. when we arrived at the door to the room he stopped me. "Are you family?" My heart dropped, because what the fuck. "No.." I can't say a stranger she met only a few hours ago, fuck. "..boyfriend, I'm her boyfriend" I really, really, really wish that was the case... "I'm sorry sir, you will have to wait right there" he pointed at the chair beside the door, I complied just wanting my girl to be alright.


A few minutes had passed, I got a notification on my phone.
G: "where r you"
"@ the hospital"
G: "what happened, you alright?"
"It's a ton to explain, just come?"
G: "okay"

I waited, scared for the doctor to come out and tell me my girl died or something. Soon I got another text from Gerard.

G: "here, room #?"

Not even 5 minutes later I see my best friend come from around the corner. "Dude, what happened??"
"Long story short: met a girl, took her to my place, we got wasted and just all around out of our minds, fucked her, fell in love, woke up she wasn't there, on my way to your house I saw her passed out on the side of the highway." I gave a synopsis of the past 12 hours of my life. "Shit" Gerard said, he couldn't even think of what to say.

"It hurts dude, I love her. It feels like I lost her before I even had her." My voice cracked with every other word. "—she doesn't even feel the same way I do, God, I just feel pathetic." I was pouring my heart out in-front of my 'crushes' hospital door. "Bert, you aren't pathetic, I promise" Gerard reassured me. At this point I was crying, warm tears were flowing down my cheeks, I could taste them.

The door opened. "Alright, boyfriend, and, erm boyfriend's friend, you can come in if you'd like" I gulped. We followed the doctor, her lifeless-looking body, just the sight, it hurt me. Gerard looked at me, he had THAT look, it's like I know this is hard for you, but it'll be alright. God.

The doctor spoke, breaking the silence. "My name is Dr. King, hello, how was your day" I ignored. "uhh, Ms. Davenport, she's alright, fully alive and she should be awake soon. The only problem is—" Fuck. "—She has no food, at all in her stomach"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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