first match

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A/n just a heads up I'm in school so there may be breaks when I post new chapters. Also f/f means favorite finisher just a heads up for later on hope you enjoy :)

It was finally time for my match. Charlotte was saying she was the queen and no one could be her and all that bullshit.

Then finally I went to tell her off. My theme song playing (you can pick what song) and the crowd went crazy. I was one of the most loved people in NXT and my arrival was not announced.

I went to I challenge Charlotte to a match as I was supposed to and she said "sweetie things may run differently in NXT but when you're on raw I run things do you know why? Because I'm the que-" I cut her of . " Because Vince hired you because of your Daddy while everyone else had to work to get here." She bicth slapped me. I fought back and soon enough Sonya came out. "Y/n you want your match against Charlotte? Well guess what you got it." Charlotte looked stunned while I looked at her with a smirk. I was honestly a really good wrestler so I was ready to fight Her.

They got a referee down there and the match started. *Time skip most of the match* both of us had put up a serious fight. Then Charlotte attempted to put me in the figure eight but I got out of it and used a f/f and pined Charlotte and the crowd lost their minds. I went to the back to see Becky Lynch waiting for me. (BTW Becky is a face) "Hey there Becky." I said "Hey Y/n great job. Me and some others are going out to eat want too come." I agreed to. I asked her "So who's all going?" "Me Seth Rhea Nikki and Bianca." "Ok I'll see you there."

A/n I love how this chapter came out. By the way I promise they'll be some of Rhea next chapter see you next time and feel free to give me ideas bye bye

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