Episode 2 - The Recruit

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The space station was huge, at least by human standards. Catherine, or Cat as she preferred, reflected on her current prison. "I know it's not a real prison but being stuck here unable to leave, all because the stupid Alliance fabricators didn't have the specs for my ships ion engines, sure makes it feel like one. I assumed they had ion engines in their database but no they needed to study my old one before a replacement can be fabricated, and apparently I'm at the bottom of the list."

A little later Cat was shambling through the bazaa looking for a stall she saw earlier. Splattered in green and blue blood and with a look of pure fury on her face the crowd parted before her. Thinking on the past twenty minutes just made her more angry, "here I am wondering how I'm gonna survive on this station for two weeks, when these idiots decided to jump me. Reminds me of when I used to play Dungeons and Dragons while I was at University. Stranded and alone and bandits try their luck. They, like all D&D bad guys miss calculated, they thought six of them was enough for a simple Terran female. Yer, not this one, military combat training, eleven years of martial arts lessons, the fact they were no taller than three feet and above all, I was pissed. They used stun batons and apparently didn't hear about how ineffective they were on us Terrans." Spitting blood onto the floor, she watches as a small flat robot came out of a little flap in the wall and started to clean up the saliva and blood. "God, I hate being called a Terran" she thought, "I used to like it, made me feel like a bad ass. Now feels like whenever its used, it's a term of derision, of course I have no idea what their thinking, I am alone here and the constant looks are getting to me."

Wincing in pain, Cat looks at her dislocated shoulder and it just made her more angry, thinking back to the fight. "How could I have been so stupid, stun batons don't work very well on us humans but they can still be used as a club. At least it was a learning experience. I certainly won't be ignoring one of these puny creatures when they appear above me on high ground, they can fall from great heights with little problems Stun baton to the shoulder hurts like hell."

A flurry of movement caught Cat's eye, turning to look, she sighs, knowing what's about to happen. Though just ahead she sees the market stall she was after. Reaching it quickly she grabs a small cylinder that fit nicely in her hand, she looks at the shop keeper, she says out loud, "I'll pay but first", and with that she press an end to her neck. Relief washed over her, most of the pain had gone. As she put the cylinder down she was being surrounded by an assortment of different aliens, all with stun batons. Each baton pointed at her, thinking to herself, "well yes, this many might be a problem." Turning back to the shop keeper she tosses to him a chit of the local currency.

An unusually tall individual, slightly taller than her, with purple skin and large eyes except it's iris's made its pupils very small. Making its way through the sea of batons, it looks at Catherine and displays what looked like pitty, but she couldn't be sure. It spoke in a husky, rasping voice, sounding male to her, though she knew that meant nothing out here, "answers needed, come you must". Catherine burst out laughing, then winced, the pain meds were not universal relief, she responded, through the laughter and pain, " yes Master Yoda I will follow but I have one thing I must do first" with that Catherine slams her shoulder against a pillar that was on the corner of the stall. A grunt of pain and extream discomfort came from her lips and a click from her shoulder, popping back into place, it was audible to all the police surrounding her. Many of them, winced themselves and took a couple of steps back. The uniform look of the batons was very much broken at this point but Cat had no intention of fighting.

Looking back at the tall alien who Cat guessed was an officer of some kind, she flexed her shoulder and hand, making sure she had full movement and no pain. Looking over the rest of the nurvouse police who were trying to reform the ranks, Catherine sighed, and said "just because us Terrans aren't part of your silly Alliance doesn't mean I'm free game for some low life thugs". A intake of shock came from the crowd, who thought Catherine was talking about the officer and the police.

The officer responds "feed I saw, did not start you did, too far you did. Must follow, you must, sudden move avoid, twitchy team have I". Cat looks to the side and spat again. This time a tooth landed on the steel like floor. Bending down she swears and picks it up before the damned robots got it. Standing up to her full five foot ten inches height she looked down on almost every creature that was watching her. She smirked and said "on lead you must" indicating with her blood covered hand for the officer to lead her. Head held high she imagined all the police as an honour guard.

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