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Himari was Released a Few Days After that, Aoi Had to admit She Missed the Kid, but she Had Her own 'Kid' To Look after.

Yamaguchi had Been Completing Cases Nonstop, He was Like A Power Doctor That Couldn't be stopped.

Aoi Couldn't be more Proud Of her Intern, and Soon Enough His Internship Would end And He would Be a Fellow Resident.

Aoi's Thoughts We're interrupted By An ambulance Rolling in a Trauma, A Male, He Looked To Have an Abdominal Trauma along With head Trauma.

Aoi Hurried Over, "What do We Got?" She asked the Paramedic, He Looked up at her and Immediately Listed What was Wrong.

"27 Year old Male, Name is Hirota Saka, Hirota Fell off of a Ladder Landed on his Back And Hit his Head Pretty Hard, A Nail Fell From The Wood he was Working on And Lodged it's self Into His Abdomen."

After Receiving That Mouth full She Even Winced a bit. "Wow Rough Day For Him, How many Liters Of Blood has he Lost?" Aoi asked.

The Paramedic immediately answered, "Approximately 2 Liters of Blood."

They Rolled Him into Trauma Bay 4, "Anything Else I should Know?" Aoi asked and What She Heard Next Shocked her.

"Hirota Has a Wife who Witnessed the Whole Thing, She's Pregnant and Her Water Broke At the Scene." The Paramedic Added.

Aoi Quickly Got into Action, "Iwaizumi! Triage For the Trauma In Bay 4 Please!" Aoi Yelled.

Iwaizumi Nodded and Rushed into Bay 4, Aoi Quickly Went To the Woman Who was In Current Labor.

"Hirota Saka's Wife?" Aoi Asked Running Towards the Gurney as Fast as she Could, The Paramedic Nodded.

"We Noticed She Was Bleeding Heavily From The Abdomen, So we Did an Ultrasound, She's lost about 2 Liters of Blood for an Unknown Trauma." The Paramedic Added.

"Her Name?" Aoi Asked, "Y-Yuka Saki." The Woman Spoke.

Aoi Gave Her a Friendly Smile, "Hi Yuka, I'm Doctor Aoi Suzuki, Head Of Trauma, And I'm a Trauma Surgeon." Aoi Introduce.

Yuka smiled Back, Aoi Turned To Trauma Bay 4, "Iwaizumi, How's It Looking Over there?" She Yelled.

"Good! I've Stopped the Bleeding on Both Wounds and I've Carefully Extracted The Nail, I've also Stitched them Up, I'm going to Bandage them Up Now!" Iwaizumi Yelled back.

"Kiyoko! Call Up to The OB Department Tell them I'm Coming Up with an Urgent One!" She said Rolling Yuka Straight to The Hospital Elevator.

Kiyoko Nodded Grabbing the Phone From The Nurses Station.

"Hello? Yes You've Got an Urgent Patient coming Up, Attending is Dr. Suzuki, Thank You." Kiyoko Called and Then Hung back Up after they Had Answered.

Aoi Entered the Elevator and Pressed The Number Button For the OB Department.

Number 6.

The OB Surgical Floor was in that Department.


Kita, Shirabu, and Yuma Nakamura, all met Aoi Once She Got Up There.

Kita was the Head Of the OB Department, Shirabu was a OBGYN, and Yuma Was a OBGYN Fellow.

Aoi saw them And acknowledged Them, "Yuka Saka, Hirota Saka's Wife, Immediate Labor, But has Lost 2 Liters of Blood Due to an Unknown Trauma." Aoi Explained.

Shirabu Quickly Got into Immediate Action, "Did the Paramedics Due a Ultrasound?" Shirabu asked.

Aoi Nodded, "Though I don't Think it was A Very good One." Aoi Said.

"Then we need to get an Ultrasound right away!" Yuma Added in.

Kita Nodded, "I'll go Get one, You guys Get her set up in Private room #6." Kita ordered.


Shirabu Did the Ultrasound, Aoi, Kita, and Yuma all Watching.

"Abdomen is Filling With Free Fluid, She needs Fetal Surgery now! The Fluid could be Dangerous to the Baby!" Shirabu said.

Aoi Nodded, "I can Also See a Tear in the Abdominal wall, While In Surgery I can fix That Tear up." Aoi said.

"Someone Get Yaku Up here, The Anesthesiologist." Kita yelled to a Nurse.

The Nurse Nodded and Scurried Over to the Nurses Station.


Yaku Arrived Quickly, He Put together the Sedative so She wouldn't feel a Thing In Surgery.

"Alright Miss Saka, You'll be Feeling Better in not time, Lemme Just Inject this Into your IV." Yaku Said.

After Injecting it into her IV Yuka Fell asleep Almost Immediately.

Aoi Then Looked Around The room, "Welp Let's Call the Fetal Surgeon then!"


Aoi Currently Looked Through the Surgical Theater, Watching Semi Do His Work, Semi Offered to also Stitch up the Tear in The woman's abdominal Wall for Aoi.

Yamaguchi Currently sat By Her, "So Do you think she'll Be alright, Her and The baby I Mean?" Yamaguchi asked.

Aoi Gave Her Intern a Firm Nod.

"Of course I do, Semi is the best Fetal Surgeon we have in this Hospital." Aoi Replied.

The Her and Yamaguchi Heard The Cries Of the Newborn Baby, It was a Beautiful Moment.

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