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Sensitive Subjects.
(Yall gon hate me for this😁)


As those words swarmed in bakugous head.He heard a slight knock.

"Hey kid,you alright?"It was Aizawa checking on him.

He wiped his eyes quickly and washed his face.
"yeah!Everythings fine im changing and hit my toe on my bed!It hurt like a bitch but its fine now"Making up excuses was always his best talent.

"Alright...well were going out to the school.Make sure to eat!"

Bakugou shouted back a Yes.He heard footsteps walk away.

He sighed and sat on his bed.Just thinking.

"SHIT!I FORGOT!"He jumped up and hurried out the house.

He ran as fast as he could.Dodging people.Knocking into a few but quickly saying sorry and rushing off again.

How could he forgot her?

He hurried to his front door.He walked in quietly so he didnt wake him up.

Creeping up the stairs.He walked into his closet and got out his small cat.He was glad she wasn't hurt.

His cat was named Hermine.She was a black cat with one blue eye and one green one.He found her on the streets a year ago and kept her ever since.

He grabbed her stuff.He walked back to aizawas house.He needed a few more things from the house.He looked at the time.He sidnt know if he would be back in time so he left a note.

"Hey Sensei.I went back home to get a few things.The cat is mines.Her name is Hermine.Feed her if you get back before me please"

He quickly left out the door.As he walked into his house.His gut was telling him to leave but he had to get the rest of hermines stuff.He worked hard for them and wasnt gonna leave em.

As he closed the door.He heard footsteps behind him.I large shadow peered over him.

He turned around slowly.It was him.He shook slighty.

Him was his father.

His father was the one who beat him.He even beat his mother but she fled when bakugou was young and promised to get him but she never came back.So his father would abuse him even more.

He could tell him father was high and drunk.The man slowly walked towards bakugou.Grabbing him and throwing him to the wall.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!WHERE WERE YOU?"he continually hits bakugou.Yelling at him to answer him.

"W-wait!Please!IM SORRY!"bakugou tried to block the hits.But it was no use.His father was once a bug time bodybuilder before he turned to a druggie.But he still had his big frame.

He hit bakugou harder and harder.Bakugou cried.Blood running down his face.He cluthed his stomach as his father kicked him over and over and over in the chest and stomach area.

Coughing up blood.Curling up.His father didnt stop.No matter how much he pleaded.No matter how much he begged.

His felt like hours until his father was done with him.He walked away,not before kicking bakugou in the head though.

Bakugou cried.He slowly got up.Limpy towards the door and making his way to aizawas house.He knocked on the door.

Aizawa opened it and it eyes widen."OMG!MIC PLEASE HELP!DAMMIT"

Bakugou felt so light headed.He just wanted to close his eyes and rest.

Mic was on the phone with the police.Aizawa was holding him trying to get him to stay awake.

"Aizawa...i-i feel so tired"

"No.Dont go to sleep okay?I got you.Just please dont go to sleep"

"I-it hurts so bad.Please help me"bakugou felt tears streaming down his face.

"I will.I promise i will help you."

Bakugou was losing blood fast.He knew he wasnt gonna make it.

"Ai-Aizawa.Please tell everyone i love them.And th-thank you.For-for b-being there for m-me"

Bakugou slowly looked up.And stopped moving and went limp in Aizawas arms.

Aizawas eyes widene.


He pleaded and held the boy tighter.Tears streaming down his face as he tried doing cpr.Distant Sirens could be heard.It was like everything was in slow motion or something.

How could he let this happen?


July 16th.
Katsuki bakugou dies.

"He lived a long life of hero.Died to young to become a pro hero."

Everyone was crying when they heard the news.Sero was distressed.He liked bakugou for so long.If only he had a solid chance to go back in time and help him.He would take the offer so quick.

Yous guys probably hate me for ending the story like this.But it had to be done!😭

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