11. "we should absolutely test out this bed."

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Would he say he's in L-O-V-E?
Well if it was me then I would, I would,

Louis sang into the handle of his hair brush, causing Lottie to groan as she leaned over him, messing with his hair.

"Lou! Stop it!" She mumbled, brushing his hair to the side. "Oh Lots, can you do my hair for the show?" She mocked, rolling her eyes, "but then cannot fucking stay still."

Louis rolled his eyes at her in the large mirror. "You love me, and this is totally Liam's best song. It is ingrained in my DNA to sing it when it comes on," he stated matter-of-factly, patting his thighs. "Hurry up, I gotta get dressed!"

Feels like I'm constantly playing,
A game that I'm destined to lose,
'Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend,
He's got 27 tattoos.

"Harry would look so hot with tattoos," Fizzy said off-handedly as she rummaged through Louis' closet, tossing a scoop-neck red t-shirt and black skinny jeans onto his messy bed.

Louis huffed, turning his head to glare at her, much to Lottie's dismay. "That is for me to dream about, and you to not think about ever again," he mumbled.

"Possessive is not a good look on you, boo," Fizzy teased, raising her eyebrows.

"Stop fantasizing about my boyfriend," Louis snipped. "He's mine, I'm in love with him, and I found him first!"

"Aw, our little Louis is in L-O-V-E!" The girls fussed as Fizzy came over to hug him.

Louis rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue. "I am, and I tell him every day," He sighed, glancing at himself in the mirror and pouting his lips dramatically. "He's my whole world," he whispered.

"Are you two staying at a hotel overnight?" Lottie asked as she lightly dusted blush across her brother's cheeks, humming as Fizzy applied a sparkly gloss on his puckered lips.

Louis nodded, speaking once Fizzy pulled away. "Mhm, I got us a room that's a 10 minute drive away from the venue. I think we are just going to walk to and from the venue so we don't have to struggle with parking. It's nice out right now, I'm sure he won't mind a walk through the park," the teen said, looking up as Lottie applied a clear mascara onto his eyelashes. "I'm so excited, I've been dreaming of this for years and I finally get to go with my boyfriend."

"We're happy for you, Lou, you deserve it. You've done so much for us since mum, it's about time you get to enjoy yourself," Lottie said, smiling at him. "And it's really sweet that you are bringing Harry. I'm sure Niall or Jill would've jumped at the opportunity to go. Niall has been searching for your fan account for weeks now."

Louis narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, still mad that you told him about that," his lips curled in a scowl. "And, he paid for the tickets, he deserves to go. He likes Liam's music, casually, but it's enough! Wouldn't want to spend it with Niall either, he's a pain in the ass. Just because Harry is blind, doesn't mean he can't enjoy the music."

"That's why you are a great boyfriend, Lou."

"Harry is a pain in the ass too, isn't he, Lou?"

Louis was silent for a moment before it hit him, raising his eyebrows. "...Was that a sex joke?"

Fizzy laughed, shrugging her shoulders innocently. "What, have you guys not done... it... yet?"

Louis' eyes widened. "What? Fiz! I am so not talking about my sex life with my little sisters!" He said, mouth agape.

"What sex life?" Lottie snickered, gasping when Louis pushed her to the ground.

"Okay! Out! Out! I have to get dressed and pick up my boyfriend," Louis grumbled, shoving the two girls out of his bedroom as they giggled loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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